
Wireless network connection manager via ssh for an Ubiquiti AirOS Nanostation 2 device (not the MiMo version)

Primary LanguagePython

AirOS CLI Wireless Network Manager

This a simple CLI version of a wireless network connection manager which works over ssh for an Ubiquiti AirOS Nanostation 2 device (not the MiMo version)


Networks are stored in a single directory (repository), each network is represented as a very simple (ba)sh file containing some variables:

Example: (filename: /home/albert/wireless-repo/wireless1.vars)

BSSID=xx:yy:zz:xx:yy:zz     # MAC address
ESSID="Wireless AP 01"      # Network name
KEY=1111                    # Network key

Config file

The config file is stored in: ~/.airos-wnm/config.

Example: (filename: ~/.airos-wnm/config)

user = root
host =
pass = your-admin-password
repo = /home/albert/wireless-repo


The tool is very minimalistic, designed for easy use.


No arguments

It will list available networks (files within the repository)

Input example:

$ python wnm-cli.py

Output example:

FILE           | ESSID                  | CHANNEL | BSSID             | KEY       
wireless1.vars | "Wireless AP 01"       | 6       | xx:yy:zz:xx:yy:zz | 1111
wireless2.vars | "Wireless AP 02"       | 11      | xx:yy:zz:xx:yy:zz | 2222
wireless3.vars | "Wireless AP 03"       | 6       | xx:yy:zz:xx:yy:zz | 3333

Connect to 'wireless2' network

Input example:

$ python wnm-cli.py --connect wireless2

Output example:

Creating temporary script to 'connect.sh'...
Uploading 'connect.sh' script to the device...
root@'s password:

connect.sh                                    100%  822     0.8KB/s   00:00    

<class 'pexpect.EOF'>

Connecting to 'wireless2'...
root@'s password:

Connection to closed by remote host.

<class 'pexpect.EOF'>

Connected to 'wireless2'... [most probably :p]