How to generate a printable map with

This is a quick dirty guide on what I have done so far.

What works:

  • Map generation
  • Legend
  • Scale bar
  • Grids (not sure if they are correctly aligned with an universal reference though)

What doesn’t works:

  • Grid labels in MGRS
  • Grid labels in UTMREF


  • [ ]: Write a lua script for MGRS
  • [ ]: Write a lua script for UMTREF

Clone this repo if you haven’t yet

git clone

Install the CLI tool

tar xvf printmaps_linux_amd64.tar.gz
# Alternatively create a symbolic link
# ln -sf ../printmaps .

Create a template

./printmaps template

Adjust default page size to A4

sed -i -e 's/420/297/g' map.yaml
sed -i -e 's/400/277/g' map.yaml
sed -i -e 's/594/210/g' map.yaml
sed -i -e 's/574/190/g' map.yaml
sed -i -e 's/530/146/g' map.yaml

Change map values

  • latitude
  • longitude
  • scale
  • title
  • legend
  • swap “UserObjects” and “UserFiles” so “UserObjects” is at the END of the file

Setting up margins

VALUE=$(./printmaps passepartout 297.0 210.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 | sed '1,6d' | sed -n '1p')
FRAME=$(cat <<EOF
# frame
- Style: <PolygonSymbolizer fill='white' fill-opacity='1.0' />
  WellKnownText: $VALUE
echo $VALUE
echo $FRAME

Only use the first value of the passepartout command or copy the command above

VALUE=$(./printmaps passepartout 297.0 210.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 | sed '1,6d' | sed -n '5p')
BORDER=$(cat <<EOF
# border (around map area)
- Style: <LineSymbolizer stroke='dimgray' stroke-width='1.0' stroke-linecap='square' />
  WellKnownText: $VALUE
echo $VALUE
echo $FRAME
echo $BORDER
POLYGON((0.0 0.0, 0.0 210.0, 297.0 210.0, 297.0 0.0, 0.0 0.0), (20.0 20.0, 20.0 190.0, 277.0 190.0, 277.0 20.0, 20.0 20.0))
# frame - Style: <PolygonSymbolizer fill='white' fill-opacity='1.0' /> WellKnownText: POLYGON((0.0 0.0, 0.0 210.0, 297.0 210.0, 297.0 0.0, 0.0 0.0), (20.0 20.0, 20.0 190.0, 277.0 190.0, 277.0 20.0, 20.0 20.0))
LINESTRING(20.0 20.0, 20.0 190.0, 277.0 190.0, 277.0 20.0, 20.0 20.0)
# frame - Style: <PolygonSymbolizer fill='white' fill-opacity='1.0' /> WellKnownText: POLYGON((0.0 0.0, 0.0 210.0, 297.0 210.0, 297.0 0.0, 0.0 0.0), (20.0 20.0, 20.0 190.0, 277.0 190.0, 277.0 20.0, 20.0 20.0))
# border (around map area) - Style: <LineSymbolizer stroke='dimgray' stroke-width='1.0' stroke-linecap='square' /> WellKnownText: LINESTRING(20.0 20.0, 20.0 190.0, 277.0 190.0, 277.0 20.0, 20.0 20.0)

Only use the last value of the passepartout command or copy the command above

Download shapes

  • Find the grid shapes according to the map needs
  • Reference the shapes on the map.yaml file
firefox ""

Here is an example of grid 30S (could be several depending on the map size)

mv ~/Downloads/ .
mv Shapefiles/100kmSQ_ID_set6/Zone30/n/* .
/sbin/rm -rf Shapefiles

Generate scale bar

Use lat and long of the map on 90° over 1000 meters

  • Generate the scale bar
  • Reference the scale bar on the map.yaml file
./printmaps bearingline 36.675 -4.44 90.0 1000.0 "1000 Meter" scalebar-1000

Upload and get the API state

./printmaps state > state.txt

Grid setup

Understanding utmgrids from another example (optional)

I used the original utmgrid helper as an example to understand the process:

./printmaps utmgrid "32 North 380000 5300000" "32 North 440000 5400000" 1000

Access on 2 tabs the following site

firefox ""
firefox ""
  • Use UTM “32 North 380000 5300000” on the first tab
  • Use UTM “32 North 440000 5400000” on the second tab
  • I noticed it defined the extremes of a rectangle and it got converted to lat and long

Computing the current utmgrids

This section can be divided in two macro sections

  • Generate the utmgrids
  • Reference the grids on the map.yaml file

With the previous knowledge, I can use lat and long, min and max given by:

./printmaps state:

For example:

"MapBuildBoxWGS84": {
    "LonMin": -4.45919095223,
    "LatMin": 36.6628374001,
    "LonMax": -4.29280904777,
    "LatMax": 36.7571336705
  • So I used:
    • min (tab 1): 36.662837400° N, -4.45919095223° W
      • UTM: 30 N 369592 4058463
      • Military: 30S UF 69591 58462
    • max (tab 2): 36.7571336705° N, -4.29280904777° W
      • UTM: 30 N 384603 4068710
      • Military: 30S UF 84603 68710
  • With those values, I constructed the appropriate utmgrid command:
./printmaps utmgrid "30 N 369592 4058463" "30 N 384603 4068710" 1000

Generate the grid labels

It is important that the “UserObjects” is at the END of the file for the pipe to work correctly

./printmaps runlua gridlabels.lua | sed 1,6d >> map.yaml

Upload final data to server


Wait a little

Download the map
