
A Regression Games bot that kills Minecraft animals for points.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Regression Games Bot Template

This template demonstrates the basics of using the rg-bot package to create a very simple bot for the Regression Games: Ultimate Collector challenge.

Connecting Replit to Git

In order to push your code to Git (and therefore to Regression Games), you'll need to set some secrets within Replit. These secrets can be set by clicking the lock icon in the left hand pane in Replit. Add the following values to your secrets:

  • GITHUB_REPO - The HTTPS link (not the SSH link) to your GitHub repo. This repository should be empty*. You can get the link by clicking the "< > Code" button on GitHub and copying the text from the HTTPS tab to your clipboard
  • GITHUB_EMAIL - The email you use for your GitHub account, which can be found in your profile
  • GITHUB_USERNAME - Your GitHub username
  • GITHUB_TOKEN - A personal access token, generated from https://github.com/settings/tokens. Make sure to select all permissions for "repo".

Once you've set these up, clicking the Replit "Run" button will automatically update your bot.

Additional Notes on GitHub repositories

If you really want to override your remote repository, (i.e. the console fails to push due to remote changes), you can run the following command, but this will overwrite everything in your GitHub repo!

git push -u origin main -f

If you want to avoid this, then you can pull the remote into this local repository and overwrite all changes here with the following command:

git pull origin main --allow-unrelated-histories
# Then address git issues / merge conflicts, and run:
git commit -am "My message"
git push -u origin main

Creating your first Regression Games bot

Every bot must have an index.js file with the following code:

function configureBot(bot) {
  // Bot logic here

exports.configureBot = configureBot

This defines a configureBot function and exposes that function to Regression Games. Regression Games uses it as an entrypoint to your bot script, and passes a bot for you to interact with.

Here is an example of the configureBot function with some basic logic that will make your bot parrot back anything it sees in chat from other players.

function configureBot(bot) {

  // Every time a player says something in the game, 
  // do something with that player's username and their message
  bot.on('chat', (username, message) => { 
      // If the username of the speaker is equal to the username of this bot, 
      // don't do anything else. This is because we don't want the bot to repeat 
      // something that it says itself, or else it will spam the chat and be 
      // kicked from the game!
      if (username === bot.mineflayer().username) return
      // make the bot chat with the same message the other player sent
      bot.chat("This is what I heard: " + message)

exports.configureBot = configureBot

Not sure what this is? Visit https://regression.gg for some programming fun!