
xml to json and json to xml convert

Primary LanguagePython

Sublime xml to json and json to xml

convert xml file to json file or json file to xml file.


  • you should use sublime package manager
  • use cmd+shift+P then Package Control: Install Package
  • look for xml2json and install it.
  • OR, Clone or unpack to "xml2json" folder inside "Packages" of your Sublime installation.

Usage :

  • use cmd+shift+P then xml2json or xml2json pretty or json2xml or json2xml pretty
  • or goto menubar Tools then xml2json
  • or bind some key in your user key binding:
   "keys": ["ctrl+alt+shift+j"],
   "command": "xml2json"
   "keys": ["ctrl+alt+shift+l"],
   "command": "json2xml"