Template for ready-to-use hybrid mobile apps with native look.
Not all are correctly implemented/configured yet.
- Apache Cordova - to compile to iOS and Android Apps
- Adobe PhoneGap - some juicy Cordova tools
- React - DOM ninja
- React Hotloading - No more F5
- Babel - for sexy JS
- Firestore - store files and data
- Webpack - Pack it up
- ESlint - only pretty code
- OnsenUI - CSS framework native iOS/Android
- FontAwesome - good old icons
Things to do:
- Add missing modules to package.json
- Make sure latest versions are used with NPM - any tool to check latest version and update?
- Find out how I can reduce size, due to later building by PhoneGap, so exclude (which) node_modules?
- Clean up webpack config ??
- Add more babel config ??
- Demo more UI stuff with OnsenUI-react
Run via the CLI:
npm install
npm run start
Find out which modules are missing... Then a couple more:
npm install missing-module
Then a couple more tries at:
npm run start
Then open the browser at something like:
Make sure Cordova has its platforms
cordova platform add android
cordova platform add ios
cordova platform add browser
To build the app without the hotreloader:
npm run build [ -- ios || android]
npm run prepare -- ios
npm run prepare -- android
This will switch your config.xml file to production mode, build the app bundle to www
using Webpack and run cordova build
for you.
Then you can run Cordova / PhoneGap like phonegap serve
or cordova run ios
Now you can use the PhoneGap developer app or browser to view your app.