=> feature_methods_compare.cxx : Compare the speed of feature detecting method(just detecting, it is easy to include the descriptors computing into it.)
- FAST ,Machine Learning for High-speed Corner Detection, 2006
- SIFT,Distinctive Image Features from Scale-Invariant Keypoints,2004, invariant to image translation, scaling, and rotation, partially invariant to illumination changes and robust to local geometric distortion
- SURF,Speeded Up Robust Features,2006,受SIFT启发,比SIFT快,健壮
- ORB,ORB: an efficient alternative to SIFT or SURF,2011,基于FAST,比SIFT快两个数量级,可作为SIFT的替代
- BRISK,BRISK: Binary Robust Invariant Scalable Keypoints
- STAR,Censure: Center surround extremas for realtime feature detection and matching,引用次数不高
- MSER,Robust Wide Baseline Stereo from Maximally Stable Extremal Regions,2002,斑点检测
- GFTT,Good Features to Track,1994,Determines strong corners on an image
- HARRIS,Harris and M. Stephens (1988). "A combined corner and edge detector",也是一种角点检测方法
=> ORB_match0.cpp : detect features, compute descriptors, then broute force match them ,but the result is bad, even not similar images also mathces too many!
=> ORB_match.cpp : After the ratio test and symmetric test, the result is good, but with ORB the Jaccard similarity is low.(Q)
ratio | image1 keypoints size | image2 keypoints size | Good matches1 | Good matches2 | Better matches |
0.9 | 500 | 487 | 287 | 263 | 176 |
0.85 | 500 | 487 | 237 | 218 | 157 |
0.8 | 500 | 487 | 209 | 192 | 144 |
0.75 | 500 | 487 | 170 | 160 | 120 |
0.65 | 500 | 487 | 113 | 106 | 76 |
So, You can see the trend!
=> image-search
=> Test Results
5. Dump the Descriptors to file for using next time, make it faster to process large dataset. There are two mehtods:1)You can define your own serialization format, such as my demo, 2) Using OpenCV built in component FileStorage. Here I Choose the second method for its easy use.
==> write ORB descriptors to file batchly ==> write SIFT descriptors to file batchly
使用SIFT特征向量进行相似图片查找 Source