
Proxy for querying a Postgres database

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Proxy queries sent via POST request to a Postgres database.


Create a copy of config.example.js named config.js. Updated values as required.

module.exports = {
    user     : "myuser",
    host     : "mydb.host.com",
    database : "mydb",
    password : "password",
    port     : 4321

Note: node-postgres defaults to using environment variables (i.e. PGUSER, PGHOST, PGPASSWORD, PGDATABASE, and PGPORT).


Queries are sent as an array via POST request with Content-Type: application/json. They can either be a string, or an object which specifies both the query to execute and the values for any parameters.

    // Text-only; no parameters
    "SELECT * FROM contact WHERE partner_id=1",

    // Object; parameterized query
        "query": "SELECT * FROM partner WHERE id=$1",
        "values": [1]

The response is a JSON array containing one object for each query that was executed comprising the number of rows returned alongside the data rows:

        "rowCount": 117,
        "rows": [
                "id": 24,
                "name": "Kriss"

In the case of an error the response will contain an object with a single error field:

    "error": "You screwed that up somehow."