
Authoritative movement plugin for Mirror Networking.

Primary LanguageC#

Black Prediction

This is a client side prediction and server reconciliation plugin for Mirror. It is a completely server authoritative movement solution.

Download Unity Package: https://github.com/bluejayboy/Black-Prediction/releases


  • Client side prediction.
  • Server reconciliation.
  • The client only rolls back states when there is a mismatch between client and server states.
  • Once a mismatch occurs, the client applies that state to the controller and replays the inputs starting after that state's frame. All old inputs before that get discarded.
  • The server simulates all controllers in one frame and a single input per frame.
  • Speedhack proof.
  • Supports both default Unity CC and KCC.


KCC is a paid asset, so I can not include the files for it directly but the example for it might be added soon.

Buy KCC: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/physics/kinematic-character-controller-99131

Quick Start

  • Make a build.
  • Host from the build and join as a client inside the editor.
  • Start moving around on the client. Notice how it is very smooth.
  • Modify the client's player prefab and change the speed for movement and jump.
  • Realize that it gets snapped back to the position that it belongs to according to the server.
  • Add the latency simulation script inside of the NetworkManager transport field to see how it works through latency.


  • Open AuthoritativeCharacterData.cs
  • Add in desired player inputs inside of the ClientInput struct and desired player physics results inside of the ServerResult struct.
  • DO NOT edit AuthoritativeCharacterMotor.cs and AuthoritativeCharacterSystem.cs unless you know what you are doing.
  • Create your player movement script and make it derive from the AuthoritativeCharacterMotor.cs script.
  • Add all the required function overrides and follow ExampleCharacterController.cs inside the example folder to see how it should be implemented.
  • Make your own player prefab for it, add Network Identity, NetworkTransform, and your playerMovement script on it, and then throw it in the NetworkManager script in the start scene.
  • Make a new GameObject in your game scene with NetworkIdentity and AuthoritativeCharacterSystem script on it.
  • Play and test how it works.

Known Issue

  • Rotation appears to be completely messed up when using the default Unity controller. This is being looked into.

To Do

No promises.

  • Add custom network time and frame management.
  • Add interpolation for reconciliation.
  • Add first person view.
  • Make it rotate properly. The default Unity controller is not great at handling positional and rotational data.
  • Add Rigidbody support.
  • Add editor helper so the user does not need to edit the scripts directly.
  • Add performance checks to save bandwidth.
  • Support non-mirror networking solutions.
