
Module which contains the standard operation of the square matrices

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Module which contains the standard operation of the square matrices.




$ npm install underscore-matrix


var _matrix = require("underscore-matrix");


  • Determinant

  • Summary

  • Scalar summary

  • Multiply

  • Scalar multiply

  • Matrix inversion

  • Minor

  • Identity matrix

  • Check is array square matrix



    It will return object:

        error:"Some error message",  //or false if no errors
        value:1.23                   //Float number - determinant of matrix (can be undefinde if error)



    It will return object:

        error:"Some error message",       //or false if no errors
        value:[[1,1,1],[2,2,2],[3,3,3]]   //Result matrix with float numbers - summary of matrixA and matrixB (can be undefinde if error)

    IMPORTANT! 'matrixA' and 'matrixB' must be square with the same size ###Scalar summary


    It will return object:

        error:"Some error message",       //or false if no errors
        value:[[1,1,1],[2,2,2],[3,3,3]]   //Result matrix with float numbers - summary of scalarNumber and matrix (can be undefinde if error)


    var sum = _matrix.ssum(1,[
    //sum = [
    //          [2,3,4],
    //          [5,6,7],
    //          [8,9,10]
    //      ]



    It will return object:

        error:"Some error message",       //or false if no errors
        value:[[1,1,1],[2,2,2],[3,3,3]]   //Result matrix with float numbers - multiply of matrixA*matrixB (can be undefinde if error)

    IMPORTANT! 'matrixA' and 'matrixB' must be square with the same size ###Scalar multiply


    It will return object:

        error:"Some error message",       //or false if no errors
        value:[[1,1,1],[2,2,2],[3,3,3]]   //Result matrix with float numbers - multiply of scalarNumber and matrix (can be undefinde if error)


    var mul = _matrix.ssum(2,[
    //mul = [
    //          [2,4,6],
    //          [8,10,12],
    //          [14,16,18]
    //      ]

    ###Matrix inversion


    It will return object:

        error:"Some error message",       //or false if no errors
        value:[[1,1,1],[2,2,2],[3,3,3]]   //Inverse of a matrix (can be undefinde if error)

    IMPORTANT! determinant of matrix can't be 0 ###Minor Return minor of matrix


    It will return object:

        error:"Some error message",       //or false if no errors
        value:[[1,1,1],[2,2,2],[3,3,3]]   //Minor matrix or undefinde if error


    var minor = _matrix.minor(0,1,[
    // minor = [ 
    //          [ 11, 13 ], 
    //          [ 21, 23 ] 
    //        ]

    ###Identity matrix


    It will return object:

        error:"Some error message",       //or false if no errors
        value:[[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]]   //n-size identity matrix (can be undefinde if error)

    ###Check is array square matrix


    It will return object:

        error:"Some error message",       //or false if matrix is square
        value:[[1,1,1],[2,2,2],[3,3,3]]   //matrix 

    If some of matrix elements is numeric string, this function will convert them to float numbers and return matrix with only float type elements.


