
This project was created as a given task from OrangeToolz. Task The given is completed and can be found at

For any further information on this project

Mail me: Call me: +8801920992221

Technologies used to complete this:

  • ReactJS
  • Tailwind CSS
  • ShadCN
  • Axios
  • Jotai

Running the project locally:

To run the project locally just clone the project and run the following commands

yarn dev

Project will be available at localhost:5173 which is the default port for Vite React App.

Environment Variables

Project will be unable to connect to the remote api or varify user with local storage without the valid .env file. The .env file carries only 2 variable. The key for the variable are provided below and the values can be found in .env.example file


VITE_API_APP_ID=add your own app id here

Intended folder structure

. └── src/
	    ├── api
	    ├── components
	    ├── hooks
	    ├── layouts
	    ├── lib

All the UI components can be found at components/ui folder. No routing were used as all the information required are in one page.