This is a simple Wit bot test. It can only give you the weather forecast. I know it's not as smart as you would like, but hey, it's a beginning ;)
This application consumes a Wit app based on the 5 Minute Quickstart recipe, so the first step you have to take is to follow up this guide and create your own app. Once the app is ready, go to the Settings / API Details menu in your Wit console and keep safe the Client Access Token; you will need it later.
To fetch the weather forecast, this application uses OpenWeatherMap API. You must get an API key to allow your code to go there for data. Remember to have this API key on hand.
Clone this repo using the command below:
$ git clone
Then, install the app dependencies using NPM:
$ npm install
Now we're ready to configure the app.
Open the config.json
file, located in the app root, and fill in the tokens that you got before:
"witai": {
"accessToken": "Use the token from the Wit app right here."
"openWeather": {
"key": "And put the OpenWeatherMap's here."
Also, you can set the server's host and port:
"server": {
"host": "",
"port": 9000
You're only one step to chat with your bot. Just run the NPM start
$ npm start
Navigate the server in a browser et voilà!
The conversation must flow this way:
- Bot: Connected
- You: What's the weather?
- Bot: Where exactly?
- You: In Malaga, Spain (you can ask the bot for any town)
- Bot: The weather in Malaga is 12ºC and clear sky.
Code released under the MIT license.