
boilerplate infrastructure to create simplified backend services

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


MyGet MyGet NuGet

This package provides infrastructure templates for facilitating the creation of backend services. It is a personal project without a commercial foundation and offers no guarantees regarding future development.



A sample usage scenario is available here. Copies of those samples are also provided.

Initialize AutoBackend from your Program.cs file

using AutoBackend.Sdk;

await new AutoBackendHost<Program>().RunAsync(args);

Define models to represent your domain relationships

Refer to the sample project models for examples.

public class Budget
    public Guid Id { get; set; }

public class Transaction
    public Guid Id { get; set; }

public class TransactionVersion

public class User
    public long Id { get; set; }

public class Participating
    public long UserId { get; set; }
    public Guid BudgetId { get; set; }

Configuration of all features is detailed below


Currently supported relational databases (including in-memory) are:

  • SqlServer
  • Postgres

AutoBackend.SDK will generate tables and establish relationships for your configured entities.

Schema Modeling

There are typically three types of database tables:

  • Keyless,
  • Single-column primary key,
  • Multi-column primary key.

Depending on the number of columns in your entity, follow the instructions below to enable AutoBackend.SDK to track changes.

Keyless Entities

Use the [GenericEntity] attribute to designate a model as a keyless entity.

public class TransactionVersion

Single-PK Entities

Use the [GenericEntity(<primary key property name>)] attribute to designate a model as an entity with a single property primary key.

public class Budget
    public Guid Id { get; set; }

    // ...

Multi-PK Entities

Use the [GenericEntity(<primary key property names>)] attribute to designate a model as an entity with a composite primary key.

Currently, the maximum number of properties in a composite key is 8.

It is anticipated that this limit will suffice for most use cases.

public class Participating
    public long UserId { get; set; }

    public Guid BudgetId { get; set; }
    // ...


For database connection management, configure the "Database" section.

"Database": {
  "PrimaryProvider": "InMemory",
  "Providers": {
    "InMemory": "InMemory database name",
    "SqlServer": "SqlServer database connection string",
    "Postgres": "Postgres database connection string"

The PrimaryProvider property accepts one of the following string values:

  • InMemory,
  • SqlServer,
  • Postgres.

The Providers property must contain an object with optional properties: InMemory, SqlServer, or Postgres. The property corresponding to the chosen PrimaryProvider value is mandatory.


First, install Entity Framework Core Tools. You can create a new migration with one of the following commands executed from the project root directory.

dotnet ef migrations add "<your migration name>" -o Migrations/SqlServer -c SqlServerGenericDbContext for SqlServer.

dotnet ef migrations add "<your migration name>" -o Migrations/Postgres -c PostgresGenericDbContext for Postgres.

Alternatively, use scripts to add a new migration or to remove the last migration for both database providers.

If you opt not to have AutoBackend manage database migrations (see above), you can perform migrations manually by executing dotnet ef database update from the project root directory.

Migrate on Startup

If using a relational database (e.g., SqlServer or Postgres), you can configure AutoBackend to either automatically migrate the database at application startup or not, by passing the migrateRelationalOnStartup parameter to the RunAsync method where AutoBackend is initialized. For example:

await new AutoBackend.Sdk.AutoBackendHost<Program>().RunAsync(args, migrateRelationalOnStartup: true);


AutoBackend.SDK currently supports two types of application interfaces:

  • Traditional HTTP API
  • Basic GraphQL


Use the [GenericController] attribute on models to generate HTTP API endpoints by AutoBackend.


The [GenericController] attribute is compatible only with models also marked with [GenericEntity].

Response Container and Endpoints

The current and only API version is v1. API v1 supports JSON and uses the following response container format:

  "ok": boolean,
  "error_code": number,
  "description": string,
  "request_time_ms": number,
  "result": <response object>

For detailed information on generated endpoints, access /swagger.


The [GenericController] attribute generates the following HTTP API endpoints:

Method Url Keyless Single-PK Multi-PK Description
GET /api/v1/<model name> ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Retrieve all entities of a specific model
GET /api/v1/<model name>/count ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Retrieve the count of entities of a specific model
GET /api/v1/<model name>/<pk1> ✔️ Retrieve an entity with the requested primary key of a specific model
GET /api/v1/<model name>/<pk1>/<pk2>/.../<pkN> ✔️ Retrieve an entity with the requested composite primary key of a model
POST /api/v1/<model name> ✔️ Create a new keyless entity of a specific model
POST /api/v1/<model name>/<pk1> ✔️ Create a new entity with the specified primary key of a specific model
POST /api/v1/<model name>/<pk1>/<pk2>/.../<pkN> ✔️ Create a new entity with the specified composite primary key of a model
PUT /api/v1/<model name>/<pk1> ✔️ Update an entity with the specified primary key of a specific model
PUT /api/v1/<model name>/<pk1>/<pk2>/.../<pkN> ✔️ Update an entity with the specified composite primary key of a model
DELETE /api/v1/<model name>/<pk1> ✔️ Delete an entity with the specified primary key of a specific model
DELETE /api/v1/<model name>/<pk1>/<pk2>/.../<pkN> ✔️ Delete an entity with the specified composite primary key of a model

📘Filtering Capabilities

Refer to the following section for more information on filtering.

Code Samples

public class User
    public long Id { get; set; }

    // ...


Use the [GenericGqlQuery] and [GenericGqlMutation] attributes on models to generate GraphQL queries and * mutations*, respectively.


The [GenericGqlQuery] and [GenericGqlMutation] attributes are compatible only with models also marked with [GenericEntity].

For detailed information on generated queries and mutations, access /graphql.


The [GenericGqlQuery] attribute generates the following GraphQL queries:

Query Arguments Keyless Single-PK Multi-PK Description
all filter: generic filter input model ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Retrieve all entities of a specific model
count filter: generic filter input model ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Retrieve the count of entities of a specific model
byKey key: entity primary key ✔️ Retrieve an entity with the requested primary key of a model
byKey key1, key2, ..., keyN: entity PK-set ✔️ Retrieve an entity with the requested composite primary key

📘Filtering Capabilities

Refer to the following section for more information on filtering.

Code Samples

public class User
    public long Id { get; set; }

    // ...


The [GenericGqlMutation] attribute generates the following GraphQL mutations:

Mutation Arguments Keyless Single-PK Multi-PK Description
create request: generic entity input model ✔️ Create a new keyless entity of a specific model
create key: entity primary key, request: generic entity input model ✔️ Create a new entity with the specified primary key of a model
create key1, key2, ..., keyN: entity PK-set, request: generic entity input model ✔️ Create a new entity with the specified composite primary key
update key: entity primary key, request: generic entity input model ✔️ Update an entity with the specified primary key of a model
update key1, key2, ..., keyN: entity PK-set, request: generic entity input model ✔️ Update an entity with the specified composite primary key
delete key: entity primary key (for PK-holder entities only) ✔️ Delete an entity with the specified primary key
delete key1, key2, ..., keyN: entity PK-set ✔️ Delete an entity with the specified composite primary key

Code Samples

public class User
    public long Id { get; set; }

    // ...


AutoBackend.SDK generates request and response models for any entity with configured HTTP API or GraphQL generation. These models include all original entity properties, unless specific properties are explicitly included in request or response models, in which case non-specified properties will be omitted.

Request Models

The [GenericRequest] attribute defines which properties are permitted for reflection from the request model to the entity.

Code Samples

public class Transaction
    // ...

Response Models

The [GenericResponse] attribute defines which properties are permitted for reflection from the response model to the entity.

Code Samples

public class Transaction
    // ...


AutoBackend.SDK generates filter models for any entity with configured HTTP API or GraphQL generation. By default, these models include only pagination management properties. To include specific entity properties in the filter model, use the [GenericFilter] attribute.


By default, two filter parameters are always available for any GET request (returning a list of entities) or GraphQL queries, to manage pagination:

  • skipCount: number
  • takeCount: number


The [GenericFilter] attribute designates a model property as filterable in the generated entity.

public class Budget
    public Guid Id { get; set; }

    public string Name { get; set; }

    public long? OwnerId { get; set; }

    // ...

Consequently, AutoBackend will construct a filter model with parameters that can be utilized in API endpoints like /api/v1/<model name> or /api/v1/<model name>/count, and in GraphQL queries.

  • API filter parameter names are generated following the pattern: <property's camelCase-name>.<condition name>.
  • GraphQL queries will have filtering models with condition properties generated.

The following conditions are supported: equal, notEqual, greaterThan, greaterThanOrEqual, lessThan, lessThanOrEqual, in, isNull, equal.