
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Sandbox for getting from React to Reflux


  • This code shouldn't be considered production ready.
  • Still WIP.
  • Consists of code that 'recreates the wheel'.
  • The data keeps on the client side via cookie-sessions.

It's my attempt to reproduce the path of Reflux creation.

I find Flux a good architecture that makes complicated interactions between UI components as clear as possible. And I think, Reflux is good implementation of this concept. But it's hard to grasp the whole thing by reading docs so I decided to find an organic way to understand the motives of its creators.

Consider the following implementation as the proper one: https://github.com/spoike/refluxjs-todo.


  • Python 2.7+, 3.3+, PyPy
  • virtualenvwrapper
  • npm

Install & Running

mkvirtualenv toy-todo
pip isntall -r requirements.txt
npm install
gunicorn  --pythonpath app server:app --log-file=-


  • Write functional tests for API
  • Make /order call RESTful