
12oz modal

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


CI Coverage Status Package Version Software License

Fitzgerald (or just Fitz) is a minimalist modal window for the browser implemented in pure JavaScript and CSS.

Demo is available here and here (Vue).



Install the package using npm:

npm add fitzgerald

Or yarn:

yarn add fitzgerald

And add imports:

import createModal from 'fitzgerald'
import 'fitzgerald/src/style.css'
import 'fitzgerald/src/default-theme.css'

Also you can just include JS script and CSS file into your HTML page:

<link href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/voronkovich/fitzgerald/dist/fitzgerald.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/voronkovich/fitzgerald/dist/fitzgerald-default-theme.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/voronkovich/fitzgerald/dist/fitzgerald.min.js"></script>

Usage example


import createModal from 'fitzgerald'
import 'fitzgerald/src/style.css'
import 'fitzgerald/src/default-theme.css'

const modal = createModal('Hey!')



const modal = Fitz.createModal('Hey!')



  • content string|HTMLElement

    Sets modal's content.

    const modal = createModal({
        content: document.querySelector('#hello'),
    const modal = createModal({
        content: `
            <h1>Lorem ipsum</h1>
            <p>Dolor sit amet...</p>
  • mount string|HTMLElement|DocumentFragment

    Sets an element to which the modal will be mounted.

    Default: document.body

    const modal = createModal({
        content: 'Hey!',
        mount: '.modals',
  • id string

    Sets an HTML attribute id for the modal.

  • class string|Object

    Sets an HTML attribute class for the modal's elements.

    // Add class for the "root" element
    const modal = createModal({
        class: 'sign-in' 
    // TailwindCSS
    const modal = createModal({
        class: {
            backdrop: 'bg-purple-500 opacity-75',
            content: `
                p-6 mx-4 md:w-1/2 xl:w-1/3
  • position Object

    Sets the modal's position on the screen. By default modal positioned on the center of screen.

    • vertical string

      Allowed values: top, center, bottom

    • horizontal string

      Allowed values: left, center, right

    const modal = createModal({
        position: {
            vertical: 'top',
            horizontal: 'right',
  • style Object

    Configures the modal's style by adding CSS variables to it's root element. All available CSS variables can be found at ./src/style.css and ./src/default-theme.css.

    const modal = createModal({
        style: {
            // --fitz-backdrop-backdrop
            backdropBackground: '#eeaaee',
            // --fitz-width
            width: '50%',
  • hide Object|string

    Configures modal hiding behavior:

    • click string

      Selector for elements which will be used to close modal by clicking on them.

      Default: [data-fitz-hide]

    • escape boolean

      Allows the user to close the modal by pressing ESC.

      Default: true

    • backdrop boolean

      Allows the user to close the modal by clicking the backdrop.

      Default: true

    const modal = createModal({
        content: `
            <button class="close-btn">Close</button>
            <h1>Lorem ipsum</h1>
            <p>Dolor sit amet...</p>
        hide: '.close-btn',
    const modal = createModal({
        hide: {
            hide: '[data-close]',
            escape: false,   // Disable <ESC>
            backdrop: false, // Disable backdrop
  • hash string

    Allows to set a hash which will be used to show the modal.

    <a href="#boo">Show modal</a>
    const modal = createModal({
        content: 'Boo!',
        hash: '#boo', 
  • focus string|HTMLElement

    Sets a selector for an element which will be focused after the modal is showed.

    Default: [data-fitz-focus]

    const modal = createModal({
        content: `
            <label>Enter your name:</label>
            <input type="text" name="name" />
        focus: 'input',
  • lockScroll string|HTMLElement

    Sets a selector for an element which will be used as a target for body scroll locking.

    Default: [data-fitz-lock-scroll]

  • aria Object

    Configures ARIA:

    • role string

      Modal role attribute.

      Default: dialog. See dialog role.

    • label string

      A string value that labels the modal. See aria-label.

    • labelledBy string

      Selector for element which will be used to label the modal. See aria-labelledby.

      Default: [data-fitz-aria-labelledby]

    • describedBy string

      Selector for element which will be used to describe the modal. See aria-describedby.

      Default: [data-fitz-aria-describedby]

    const modal = createModal({
        content: `
            <h2>Lorem ipsum</h2>
            <p>Dolor sit amet</p>
            <p>Consetetur sadipscing</p>
        aria: {
            role: 'alertdialog',
            labelledBy: 'h2',
            describedBy: 'p:first-child',
  • animate Object

    Allows to add CSS classes for arbitrary elements while the modal is being showing or hiding. You can use any library like animate.css or cssanimation.io.

    To set an element which will be animated you can use keywords: root, backdrop, content or CSS selector.

    const modal = createModal({
        animate: {
            root: {
                show: 'animate__animated animate__fadeIn',
                hide: 'animate__animated animate__fadeOut',
            content: {
                show: 'animate__animated animate__bounceInDown',
                hide: 'animate__animated animate__fadeOutLeft',
            '[type=submit]': {
                show: 'animate__animated animate__slow animate__bounceInRight',
  • zIndex number|'auto'

    Sets a z-index CSS property of modal's root element. By default this value is calculated automatically to make modal appearing on the top of other page elements.

    const modal = createModal({
        zIndex: 100, 

Instance API


  • root HTMLElement

    Root element that wraps the backdrop and the modal's content container.

  • backdrop HTMLElement

    Backdrop element (overlay).

  • content HTMLElement

    Container for the modal's content.

You can use properties to interact with the modal DOM (attach event listeners, add nodes and etc.):

const modal = createModal({ /* Options */ })

modal.content.addEventListener('submit', (e) => {
    // Handle form submit


  • show() async

    Shows modal.

  • hide() async

    Hides modal.

  • destroy() async

    Destroys modal.

  • setContent(content)

    Sets the modal's content.

  • on(event, callback)

    Adds an event listener.

  • off(event, callback)

    Removes an event listener.

const modal = createModal()

modal.setContent('This modal will be closed after 5 seconds.')


setTimeout(modal.hide, 5000)


  • show:before

    Occurs before showing the modal.

  • show

    Occurs after the modal has been show.

  • show:after

    Occurs after the modal has been show and all animations completed.

  • hide:before

    Occurs before hiding the modal.

  • hide

    Occurs after the modal has been hidden.

  • destroy

    Occurs when the modal is being destroyed.

let counter = 0

const modal = createModal()

modal.on('show:before', () => {
    modal.setContent(`You've seen this modal ${++counter} times!`)


Copyright (c) Voronkovich Oleg. Distributed under the MIT.