Acebook is a clone of Facebook featuring profiles from professional poker players. The single page frontend is built using React.js/Redux; the backend is powered by Ruby on Rails sitting on a PostgreSQL database. Try it out using the 'Guest Acct' button or create a profile and join the conversation!
Login inputs are validated on both the front-end and back-end. Client side validations check for password length, unique email addresses, and more. Passwords are hashed using BCrypt before being stored on the server. Plaintext passwords are never stored.
Server side validation occures at both the model and the database. These redundancies are useful to ensure the integrity of data stored within the database and generally considered best practice.
# Ruby - app/models/user.rb
validates :firstname, :lastname, :birthday, :gender, :session_token, :password_digest, presence: true
validates :email, presence: true, uniqueness: true
validates :password, length: { minimum: 6 }, allow_nil: true
after_initialize :ensure_session_token
# Ruby - db/schema.rb
create_table "users", force: :cascade do |t|
t.string "firstname", null: false
t.string "lastname", null: false
t.string "email", null: false
t.string "password_digest", null: false
t.string "session_token", null: false
## ...
t.index ["email"], name: "index_users_on_email", unique: true, using: :btree
A session token is stored in both the users
table and as a cookie on the user's machine. These tokens are compared to find the active user and retrieve the relevant information. On log out, the cookie is cleared and the session token on the database is reset.
# Ruby - app/controllers/application_controller.rb
def current_user
@user ||= User.find_by(session_token: session[:session_token])
On the frontend, the user's session is stored in the React-Redux store
. If a user refreshes the single page app, a bootstrapped currentUser
is placed on the window to keep the user logged in.
# Ruby - app/views/static_pages/root.html.erb
<% if logged_in %>
window.currentUser = <%= render(
user: current_user
).html_safe %>
<% end %>
An artificial delay was put on the server to simulate latency and demonstrate the loading states.
// JavaScript - frontend/actions/post_actions.js
export const fetchPosts = (userId) => {
return (dispatch) => {
dispatch(requestPosts()); //adds a 'loading' status to state
return APIUtil.getPosts(userId).then(
(success) => dispatch(receivePosts(success)),
(err) => dispatch(receiveErrors(err))
); //on receipt of results, 'loading' state is reverted
A user's news feed is curated by only displaying posts belonging to that user's friends. These posts are fetched using several chained ActiveRecord queries. An includes method is chained to the ActiveRecord relationship to prevent an inefficient N+1 query. Pagination is implemented with the Kaminari gem. jQuery events are used to create infinite scroll.
# Ruby - app/controllers/api/posts_controller.rb
Post.where("tagged_user = ? or (tagged_user IS NULL and author_id = ?)", params[:user_id], params[:user_id])
.where(:author_id => Friend.active_friendships(current_user))
.order("created_at DESC")
.includes(:author, :tagged, {likes: [:user]}, {comments: [:author]})
Users are notified of friend requests in the header pane and can accept or reject the requests without leaving the page the user is currently browsing. Friendships are maintained with a join table that includes a status column - users are not allowed to view posts belonging to users with whom they are not yet friends. Creating and searching for a A:B 'friendship' uses ActiveRecord queries to ensure the commutative relationship B:A does not already exist.
The header searchbar listens for change events and performs searches as the user inputs their query. Searches are case-insensitive and conducted using ActiveRecord queries and regular expressions.
Comments and likes can be added and removed from posts with a single keystroke/click. Comments have an 'enter/return' listener to know when to submit the form. The like and comment tables are similar on the back-end: both belong to an author and a post.
Posts can be edited and removed with an action pane available to the author of the post. The frontend accomplishes this during render by comparing the post author and the session user.
Photo upload uses the paperclip gem to manage attachments. Uploaded pictures are stored in an Amazon AWS S3 server.
// javascript - frontend/components/userprofile.jsx
uploadNewPhoto(e) {
var file = e.currentTarget.files[0];
var formData = new FormData();
formData.append("user[profilepic]", file);
Attachments can be associated with both users (cover photo, profile picture) and posts (post attachment).
CSS is used to make the app accessible on devices with both and small displays.
/* CSS - app/assets/stylesheets/main-body.css */
@media only screen and (max-width: 1012px) {
/* ... */
- 'Like' reactions - in addition to liking a post, users will be able to convey 'love', 'laugh', and 'sad' emotions
- Messenger - real time chat between friends using websockets
- Photo albums - to show off a user's latest vegas vacation