
Customisable config driven dashboard for MQTT and Redis, based on ftlk-decl

Primary LanguageRust


Customisable config driven dashboard for MQTT and Redis, based on ftlk-decl


  • Create good looking dashboards for IoT and Robot devices
  • these Dashboards should be created without any programming effort by just applying settings in a config file as fltk-decl showcases
  • hot-reload so the user has a swift feedback on the look and feel he is creating.
  • Purpose is to have industrial looking widgets for gauges, switches , meters, compass,..
  • Goal is to subscribe to events and send commands on MQTT via the widgets to the different HW modules
  • Preferrably a low-budget raspberry pi is used to drive a monitor for these displays


cargo install cross --git https://github.com/cross-rs/cross

cargo install cross --git https://github.com/cross-rs/cross

Possible issues

cross : 'could not get os and arch '

  • start Docker or colima on MacOs

armhf libraries not usable in ARMV6

  • these libraries use a ARMV7 startup dat seg faults on Raspberry Pi1

on Pi

github clone https://github.com/MoAlyousef/cfltk.git
cd cfltk
mkdir build
cd build
# configure
# build
cmake --build bin  --target install # no --parallel : kills the device

on PC

# copy rpi files
set -x
cd ~
mkdir rpi-sysroot rpi-sysroot/usr rpi-sysroot/opt rpi-sysroot/cfltk
rsync -avz --rsync-path="sudo rsync" --delete $PI_USER@$PI_HOST:/lib rpi-sysroot
rsync -avz --rsync-path="sudo rsync" --delete $PI_USER@$PI_HOST:/usr/include rpi-sysroot/usr
rsync -avz --rsync-path="sudo rsync" --delete $PI_USER@$PI_HOST:/usr/lib rpi-sysroot/usr
rsync -avz --rsync-path="sudo rsync" --delete $PI_USER@$PI_HOST:/home/lieven/workspace/cfltk/build/fltk/lib rpi-sysroot/cfltk
rsync -avz --rsync-path="sudo rsync" --delete $PI_USER@$PI_HOST:/home/lieven/workspace/cfltk/build/libcfltk.a rpi-sysroot/cfltk/lib

# rsync -avz --rsync-path="sudo rsync" --delete $PI_USER@$PI_HOST:/opt/vc rpi-sysroot/opt
symlinks -rcd rpi-sysroot


# What I will remember from Rust language 
- No native GUI , just unsafe wrappers around existing C/C++ libraries
- Create callbacks is hell , just search google for all the questions on this subject. Basically you need an Arc on a Mtutex on an FnMut that supports Sync and Send and is also static. Rust says : human you're unable to reason about the safety of these callbacks, so I'll forbid to do anything except use message passing channels.
- A callback and nested types is a lot of code noise 
+ Nice build and library system to re-use what others created 
- didn't find an equivalent of libuv that integrates with async/await pattern
- Rust avoid the shoot in the foot scenario's like C++, by parelizing the developer and remove any arms. 

# My struggles to get a GUI 
1. I can use in RUST 
2. that permits to create a highly dynamic composable dashboard
- is config driven
- is hot reloadable
- is composable
- is customisable
- is extensible
- is easy to use
3. uses a pubsub mechanism to communicate with the outside world
4. that has base widgets for :
- gauges
- meters
- switches
- compass
- graphs
- text
- images
- video
- buttons
- sliders
- knobs
- ...
5. runs on Raspberry Pi B if possible 
### Some examples

## What I tried and getting run in circles to find a fit
### FLTK ++
- FLTK is a C++ library that has a Rust wrapper
- very good support by Mo and recent updates
- very good documentation
- very good examples
- limited widgets for what I need
### LVGL ++
- LVGL is a C library that has a Rust wrapper
- very good support and recent updates
- very good documentation
- very good examples
- quirks in RUST as it expects static allocated styles
- extended list of widgets
- meter widget in rust no example as broken
- recompilation fails , breaks easily and is also based on the older lvgl version 0.6 , while version 0.8 is ongoing 
### EGUI
- EGUI is a Rust library
- very good support and recent updates
- limited documentation
- good widgets but not enough
- easy to make it hot reloadable and dynamic, positioning and coloring is a mess
- missing fine-grained control and positioning of widgets
### IUP ???
- IUP is a C library that has a Rust wrapper
### GTK
- GTK is a C library that has a Rust wrapper
- very good support and recent updates
- found some good industrial widgets
- very good documentation
### QT
- QT is a C++ library that has a Rust wrapper
- very good support and recent updates
- very good documentation
- too big to handle
### NANNOU - suggested by Copilot
- NANNOU is a Rust library
- very good support and recent updates
- not impressed by widgets
### IMGUI 
- IMGUI is a C library that has a Rust wrapper
- very good support and recent updates
- DEAR IMGUI is a C library that has a Rust wrapper
- very good support and recent updates
### No more suggestion from Copilot