
Based on limero framework an Arduino example , with serial2mqtt support

Primary LanguageC++


Just a more basic template if I ever need some Arduino libraries in a slave device. features :

  • communicates to MQTT using a serial protocol
  • receives and sends updates of a local int x
  • handles updates to int y via MQTT
  • sends the boot time to MQTT
  • blinks a led fast when there is no MQTT connection
  • blinks a led slow when connection is established.
  • just single thread Arduino
Thread mainThread("main");           // single thread arduino
MqttSerial mqtt(mainThread, Serial); // serial mqtt output powered by mainThread
void serialEvent() { mqtt.onRxd(&mqtt); }; // capture serial data incoming
TimerSource tick(mainThread, 1000, true);  // create a timer event every 1 sec
ValueFlow<int> x;                        // source of integers
Sink<int> y(3);                           // sink for integers , buffer for 3 of them 
LambdaSource<uint64_t> systemTime([]() { return millis(); });
LedBlinker led(mainThread, PIN_LED, 100);

void setup() {
  Serial.println(" Limero MQTTSerial started.");
  // capture any change to x also in mqtt topic
   x == mqtt.topic<int>("system/x");
  mqtt.fromTopic<int>("system/y") >> y;
// handle async the updates to y
  y.async(mainThread,[](const int &yNew) { INFO(" received %d ", yNew); });

  systemTime >> mqtt.toTopic<uint64_t>("system/upTime");
  // at tick of timer , do increment, report millis()
  tick >> [&](const TimerMsg &tm) {
    x = x() + 1;
  // blink slower when connected
  mqtt.connected >> led.blinkSlow;

void loop() { mainThread.loop(); } // let the beast go.

extern "C" void _exit() {}