
A javascript plugin used to create ASCII style progress bars.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Ascii Loader

After a while searching for a simple ASCII loader and failing, I quickly made one. Is this one perfect? No. Will it break? Probably.

You can view a demo of it located at the link below which will allow you to adjust each setting and see the changes.

View Demo


// Creates a default progress bar with the default options.
var progressbar = new AsciiProgress("progressbar")

// Creates a progress bar with an options object passed in.
var progressbar = new AsciiProgress("progressbar", options)

Default Options

    openCharacter: "[",
    loadedCharacter: "#",
    backgroundCharacter: " ",
    closeCharacter: "]",

    showComment: true,
    startingComment: " ",
    commentLocation: "bottom",

    length: 60,
    value: 0,
    completeAt: 100,

    showPercent: true,
    percentDecimalPlaces: 2,
    percentLocation: "middle",


// Sets the current comment value.
progressbar.setComment("Loading images...")

// Sets the current value out of the completeAt. Hitting the
// completeAt value will be 100%. so 10 here with a completeAt of 100 will be 10%.


These events will be included in the options argument of new AsciiProgress

    // Will execute upon creation of new AsciiProgress
    onStart: function() {
        console.log("The progress bar has been created.")

    // Will execute every time setValue method is called.
    onUpdate: function(value, completeAt, percent) {
        console.log("The value has been updated.")

    // When the progress bar reaches 100% this event is called.
    onComplete: function () {
        console.log("The progress bar has reached 100%")