Twitch Bot which changes colors of Philips Hue lamps based on cheers and subs.
Clone repository to a folder. Open a terminal to that folder. Run these commands on the terminal and follow the Instructions from the Script:
chmod +x linuxInstall.bash
Run the command below to run the bot:
node bot.js
Clone repository to a folder. Open a command prompt to that folder.
Run the command below first:
npm install
Make sure that your Hue Bridge is connected on the same network as the computer.
Run the command below:
node setup_first.js
Copy the IP address of your preferred bridge. Paste it in both of setup_second.js's 11th line and config.js's 15th line.
Run the command below:
node setup_second.js
Copy everything from the output.
Paste the username to config.js's 17th line.
Enter the lamp IDs you want to use to config.js's 29th line.
Enter your Twitch Channel Name to config.js's 12th line.
Enter your Bot Account's Name to config.js's 9th line.
Enter your Bot Account's oAuth Key to config.js's 10th line. You can get it from here.
Run the command below to run the bot:
node bot.js