
Planet Attack

Primary LanguageC++

Planet Attack

Space RTS game.

--- pre alpha ---

AI Scripting API Reference

Global Objects

  • Random : RandomUtil

  • Random.randomInt() : int -- between 0 and inf*

  • Random.randomInt(from : int, to : int) : int -- inclusive from and exclusive to

  • Random.randomReal() : float -- between 0.0 and 1.0

  • Random.randomReal(min : float, max : float) : float

  • Game : Game

    • Game.playerCount : int [readonly]
    • Game.getPlayers() : Array[Player]
    • Game.getRandomPlayer() : Player
    • Game.planetCount : int [readonly]
    • Game.getPlanets() : Array[Planet]
    • Game.getRandomPlanet() : Planet
  • Game.Time : GameTime

    • Game.Time.total : int -- milliseconds since the game start
    • Game.Time.elapsed : int -- milliseconds since the last update (Frame)
    • Game.Time.elapsedSeconds : float -- seconds since the last update (Frame)

AI Member Objects

  • Player : Player
  • Player.AI : PlayerIntelligence
    • Player.AI.delay : float -- delay of script execution in milliseconds

Introduced Types


  • Properties
    • x : float [readonly*]
    • y : float [readonly*]

Color : string

See QColor named colors.


  • Properties

    • name : string
    • color : Color
    • resourceFactor : float
    • human : bool [readonly]
    • computer : bool [readonly] -- AI
    • planetCount : int [readonly]
    • shipCount : int [readonly]
  • Functions

    • getPlanets() : Array[Planet]
    • getRandomPlanet() : Planet
    • getShips() : Array[Ship]
    • getRandomShip() : Ship
    • getEnemies() : Array[Player]
    • getRandomEnemy() : Player
    • getEnemyPlanets() : Array[Planet]
    • getRandomEnemyPlanet() : Planet
    • getOtherPlanets() : Array[Planet] -- enemy and neutral planets
    • getRandomOtherPlanet() : Planet
  • Signals

    • nameChanged(oldName : string, newName : string)


  • Properties

    • position : Vector2
    • resources : float
    • color : Color
    • player : Player
    • radius : float
    • productionFactor : float
    • neutral : bool [readonly]
  • Functions

    • transferResourcesTo(target : Planet[, resourceFactor: float]) : Ship


  • Properties
    • position : Vector2
    • resources : float
    • color : Color
    • player : Player
    • target : Planet
    • speed : float -- pixels per second