
A simple image processing application using C# and WPF.

Primary LanguageC#

Image processing application

This application was created as a part of image processing course. It can load/save images in .pnm format family and run filters on them:

  • Custom convolution matrix
  • Histogram
    • Stretch
    • Equalize
  • Blur
    • Uniform
    • Gaussian
  • Edge detection
    • Laplace
    • Gradient
    • Sobel
    • Prewitt
    • Roberts
    • Laplacian of Gaussian
    • Difference of Gaussian
    • Crossing of zero
    • Canny
  • Median denoise
  • Morphology
    • Dilation
    • Erosion
    • Closing
    • Opening
  • Thresholding
    • Plain
    • Otsu
    • Triangle
    • Entropy
    • Niblack
  • Artistic
    • Oil
    • Fisheye
    • Mirror
    • Negative
    • Emboss
  • Normal mapping
  • Horizon mapping
  • Hough line detection
  • Harris corner detection
  • Hough rectangle detection
  • Distance transform
  • Greyscale

In addition there are few tools: histogram view; brightness, gamma and contrast correction.


Lenna, Canny edge detector