Signals of opportunity positioning using LEO satellites, diploma thesis by Vojtech Voska

Primary LanguageTeX

This repostitory contains the source code created as a part of the diploma thesis Signals of opportunity positioning using LEO satellites by Vojtěch Voska at the CTU FEE.

The version valid at thesis submission is available in the Releases (https://github.com/voskavoj/DP/releases/tag/submission) or under the tag submission (https://github.com/voskavoj/DP/tree/submission)

How to install

  1. Install Python 3.10 (https://www.python.org/)
  2. Install miniconda (https://docs.anaconda.com/free/miniconda/index.html)
  3. Create and activate a virtual environment in miniconda
    1. conda create NAME
    2. conda activate NAME
  4. From Conda, install (conda install <package>):
    1. GNURadio 3.10 - gnuradio (https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/gnuradio)
    2. SoapySDR - soapysdr (https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/soapysdr)
    3. SoapySDR PlutoSDR - soapysdr-module-plutosdr (https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/soapysdr-module-plutosdr), for PlutoSDR
    4. gr-iridium - gnuradio-iridium (https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/gnuradio-iridium)
  5. From Git, download iridium-toolkit (https://github.com/muccc/iridium-toolkit) to /External
  6. Run pip install -r requirements.txt to install the required packages

How to run

  1. Activate the virtual environment (see How to install)
  2. power up radio equipment
  3. capture frames into file: iridium-extractor -D 4 CONFIG >> Data/DATA/output.bits where CONFIG is a path to configuration file, e.g. "\src\config\plutosdr-soapy.conf", and DATA is the name of the data folder (the folder must exist!)
  4. either
    1. in src/config/setup.py, set EXP_NAME to DATA
    2. run python External/iridium-toolkit/iridium-parser.py -p Data/DATA/output.bits --harder >> Data/DATA/decoded.txt
    3. run src/app/process_offline_data.py
    4. run src/app/find_position_offline.py
  5. or run src/app/find_position_from_offline_data.py

Code structure

  • External houses external files, namely it should include the iridium-toolkit
  • Data contains folders with captured data
  • Plots contains some plotting utilities, but most are in src/app
  • src contains the source code
    • app contains applications and program entry points. Only these scripts should be run.
    • config contains configuration files and setup, parameters, locations, ...
    • navigation contains navigation calculations and data processing tools, and is (mostly) constellation-independed
    • radio contains files specific to radio support and constellation support, such as satellite identification, timing, frame parsing, ...
    • satellites contains the Satellite class, TLE download and operations, SGP4 predictions and generally anything to do with the actual satellites, (mostly) constellation-independed
    • utils contains utilities such as plotting and data dumping, ...
  • Utils contains utilities such as bat files and command line instructions

Code flow

Signal capture, decoding: Done separately, by gr-iridium and iridium-toolkit respectivelly.

Processing: Done by the script app/process_offline_data.

  1. load TLEs (satellites/download_tles) from the data folder (argument offline_dir)
  2. Load demodulated frames from Data directory
  3. Find start time by the use IBC frame - radio/iridium_start_time
  4. Process frames into array of time, f, fb, sat_id - radio/iridium_offline_radio
  5. Process frames into navigation data - navigation/data_processing
  6. save data as pickle

Calculation: Done by app/find_position_offline

  1. load TLEs (satellites/download_tles) from the data folder (argument offline_dir)
  2. Load data frames from Data directory
  3. run solve from navigation/curve_fitting_method

Extending the code

To implement a new position estimation method, put it in src/navigation. It must implement the solve function and it should be called from find_position_offline. Existing radio and processing chain can stay mostly intact.

To implement a new method of signal capture, a new radio chain in src/radio needs to be implemented, mainly the frame_parsing part. If IRA frames will not be decoded, the channel identification needs to change as well.

To support a new constellation, a new radio chain in src/radio needs to be implemented, mainly the channel identification part. In navigation/data_processing, the proper identification function needs to be called, and in config/setup the constellation needs to be added. Otherwise, the code should be able to remain intact.