Redmine with postgreSQL

Redmine is a flexible web application for project management. It includes Gantt charts, calendar, wiki, forums, role management, e-mail notifications, etc.

How it works

The server with Redmine and PostgreSQL database is launched on platform. Redmine provides a web UI for managing your projects.

It consists of:

  • Redmine
  • PostgreSQL

To launch this solution on sign up with the service, download and use Containerum CLI chkit.

  1. Run the Solution with chkit solution:
chkit solution run redmine-postgresql-solution -e VOLUME=storage
  • VOLUME parameter should contain your Volume name on platform (VOLUME=volumename)
  1. Make sure that the Solution is running:
$ chkit get deploy

|          NAME          | PODS | PODS ACTIVE | CPU  |  RAM  | AGE |
| solution-pg-c5a0i      |    1 |           1 | 100m | 100Mi | 1m  |
| solution-redmine-betnr |    1 |           1 | 200m | 156Mi | 1m  |
  1. Using chkit get get the address and the port to access the running Solution:
$ chkit get svc

|            NAME            |   CLUSTER-IP   | EXTERNAL |       HOST        |     PORTS      | AGE |
| solution-pg-svc-5ys7w      | | false    |                -- | 5432/TCP       | 1d  |
| solution-redmine-svc-inrxj |   | true     | | 16377:3000/TCP | 1d  |
  1. Go to create queues using UI.