
PDF Filling Lambda Function

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

PDF Filler

The VoteAmerica PDF Filler is a Lambda function that wraps PDFTK to fill in PDF forms and stamp signatures onto PDFs.


The PDF Filler is a single Lambda function that can be invoked with the following payload

  "template": {
    "pdf": "...", // base64-encoded PDF
    "is_form": true,
    "flatten_form": true,
    "signature_locations": {
      "1": { // Page number
        "x": 1,
        "y": 2,
        "width": 3,
        "height": 4
  "data": {
    // key-value pairs
  "signature": "...", // presigned URL of the signature
  "output": "...", // presigned PUT URL for the result PDF

You can see an example of calling this in utils/test.py.


This repo includes the prebuilt pdftk binary from the pdftk-java project: https://gitlab.com/pdftk-java


This project uses the Serverless framework to deploy an AWS CloudFormation stack. The primary resource in the stack is the Lambda function itself.

To deploy, first make sure you have packages installed by running the following:

pipenv install
npm install
yarn install

Your local version of Pipenv and Node could affect your ability to successfully run the deployment process. A combination of Pipenv version 2022.5.2 and Node version 14.21.3 should work.

Make sure your local Docker daemon is running.

Then, run:

sls deploy --stage {stage}

Possible stages include: local, dev, prod