
A standard vagrant / puppet configuration for new PHP / Symfony 3 projects

Primary LanguageRuby

My Vagrant/Puppet Default Setup


  • Install vagrant on your system see vagrantup.com

  • Install vagrant-hostsupdater on your system see cogitatio/vagrant-hostsupdater

  • Get a base box see vagrantup.com docs

  • Get a copy of this repository. You can do this either by integrating it as a git submodule or by just checking it out and copying the files. Prefarably, the contents of this repository should be placed in a directory vagrant inside your project's root dir.

  • Copy vagrant/Personalization.dist to vagrant/Personalization and modify vagrant/Personalization according to your needs.


    $vhost = "test"
    $ip = ""
    $base_box = "bento/ubuntu-18.04"
    $webserver = "nginx"
    • Execute "vagrant up" in the directory vagrant.


After performing the steps listed above, you will have the following environment set up:

  • A running virtual machine with your project on it
  • Your project directory will be mounted as a synced folder in this virtual machine
  • Your project will be accessible via a browser (go to http://{$vhost}.localhost/[app_dev.php])
  • You can now start customizing the new virtual machine. In most cases, the machine should correspond to the infrastructure your production server(s) provide.