- bluewhalelabsZealous
- BoKKeRStockholm
- captbrogersThe Lucky Dev Shop LLC
- chengjingfeng
- chorylee
- CoeusCCCoeus.CC
- dodowin
- EllDoubleYewus
- elvendor
- gjreasonerFlorida
- hank789dokec
- hermesthecatAnkara, Turkiye
- iAn-PintoKfin Technologies Limited, The Walt Disney Company, Tata Interactive Systems, Ketto, Vamaship, Techshastra and iPnova
- iateadonut
- jhcloos
- ladzzzz123
- lex111GitHub Jail
- lxiaoxiang
- m2ura
- NARKOZKyiv, Ukraine
- nicolasleonNantes, France
- owwwePrague
- patrickd28Trois-Rivieres, Quebec
- patriclougheedClassCloud Canada
- peimn
- RaminHAL9001Tokyo, Japan
- ryuphiSantiago - Chile
- saas786Pakistan
- scratcher28Russia
- SirTimmyTimbit
- stefanKBLGranville
- thomasmcnaught
- tristar500
- venkat-sciAtlanta GA