
Plex plug-in that plays live streams (a.k.a. IPTV) from a M3U playlist

Primary LanguagePython

Plex plug-in that plays live streams (a.k.a. IPTV) from a M3U playlist

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  1. Introduction
  2. Installation
  3. Playlist structure and examples
  4. Program guide
  5. Compatibility and limitations
  6. Supported protocols
  7. Troubleshooting
  8. To do list
  9. Credits and contacts
  10. License


A simple Plex Media Servers plug-in that reads live streams (like IPTV) urls from a m3u file and passes 'em to Plex in format understandable to Plex so it could try to play them.

In short, as title states, it lets You watch IPTV in Plex.

However playback is handled by Plex itself, not the plug-in, and many streams are not playable by many Plex players, please read compatibility and limitations, supported protocols and troubleshooting sections for more information and possible solutions if Your desired stream does not work.


Please refer to official Plex support page How do I manually install a channel or use Unsupported AppStore V2. After installing the plug-in replace included playlist with Your own and You're done. Read further for more information on how to customise Your playlist and set up a program guide.

If You do not have a Plex installed in the first place, there is an official manual for that too: Quick-Start & Step by Step Guides.

Playlist structure and examples

Sample playlist is located in IPTV.bundle\Content\Resources\playlist.m3u, you can specify other file name in preferences, but You can not specify a path outside resources folder because Plex prohibits it. Remote playlist is also supported, You just need to specify a direct link to it, with http part included. Playlist should be encoded in UTF-8 without BOM, I recommend using Notepad++ to check and convert if needed.

Included sample playlist is for testing purposes only, some streams might be dead by now, here is a short list of resources to get started, however please keep in mind, I am not associated with them and not responsible for their content, try it at Your own risk:

Playlist supports additional attributes that can be optionally defined in line after #EXTINF:0 and before the name of the media:

  • tvg-id, tvg-name - used to identify channel in XMLTV;
  • tvg-logo, logo - stream logo or icon, can use remote media (url must include http part) or stored images from \IPTV.bundle\Content\Resources folder (file name must include extension);
  • art - stream background art, works same as logo;
  • group-title - category name (for a channel to be visible in multiple categories just make a copy of an entry in the playlist with different category name);
  • group-logo - category logo, only counts what is defined in first line where specific category is first time spotted, that means if You have two channels with same category name, logo and art supplied in first line of those two will be used;
  • group-art - category background art, works same as group-logo.

A simple example (see included sample playlist for more):

#EXTINF:0 tvg-id="Cartoon Network" tvg-logo="icon-default.png" group-title="Cartoons" group-logo="icon-folder.png",Cartoon Network
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-logo="http://www.lyngsat-logo.com/hires/mm/mtv_dance_us.png" group-title="Music",MTV Dance

At the moment this plug-in is unable to handle multiple playlists, but it is possible to have multiple instances of this plug-in and use different playlist for each, not the prettiest way but it is a solution.

Read further for more information about supported protocols and required configurations.

Program guide

As of version 1.2 and further this plug-in supports program guide in XMLTV format, there is a sample located in IPTV.bundle\Content\Resources\guide.xml, you can specify other file name in preferences, but You can not specify a path outside resources folder because Plex prohibits it. Remote guide is also supported (as long as it matches the XMLTV format), You just need to specify a direct link to it, with http part included. Remote guide might be compressed in GZIP format, file name should end with .xml.gz then, other compression algorithms and local compressed files are not supported at the moment.

Plug-in will try to match the program guide with playlist streams by the stream title, but to make things easier tvg-id attribute might be used to represent the exact XMLTV channel, for example if XMLTV looks something like this:

  <programme start="20160321031000 +0200" stop="20160321040100 +0200" channel="Cartoon Network RSE">

then previously mentioned playlist might look like this:

#EXTINF:0 tvg-id="Cartoon Network RSE" tvg-logo="icon-default.png" group-title="Cartoons" group-logo="icon-folder.png",Cartoon Network

Recommended software for XMLTV generation would be WebGrab+Plus, please refer to its documentation on how to set it up.

Please note, program guide is quite demanding on resources and I do not recommend using XMLTV file that has more channels than You actually need and the shorter the period its generated for the better.

Compatibility and limitations

By default Plex Media Server does not transcode live streams and leaves this job to players, however in some players it is possible to switch Direct Play and Direct Stream off and then server will do the heavy lifting.

If You are the unlucky user without mentioned options then in plug-ins preferences there is an option Optimized for streaming - switching this off might force PMS to transcode everything even when Direct Play and Direct Stream options are unavailable, however there is no documentation available for this MediaObject property and I can not confirm that it works the way I imagine it.

You can also try running a dedicated transcoding service and get Your streams in preferable format, VODServer might be a good and free example for Windows.

One more flaw of this plug-in is that it has no control over audio tracks if stream has multiple. Some players can change the track, some can not, but plug-in can not predefine one and I have no solution at the moment.

Read further for specific configurations required for some streaming protocols.

Supported protocols

  • HTTP should work on most devices natively, no specific configuration required.

  • RTSP should work on most devices natively, no specific configuration required.

  • RTMP requires special Framework Flag that makes plug-in incompatible with some older devices/players (like my TV) and is disabled by default. You can enable it in Preferences, but You need to manually uncomment 14th line in Info.plist file for RTMP streams to work: find <!--<string>UseRealRTMP</string>--> and change it to <string>UseRealRTMP</string>.

    As Plex no longer supports webkit players, You can no longer use full RTMP urls like this:

    rtmp://shopnbc.fmsls.entriq.net:443/live/ playpath=live_01@13361 swfurl=http://shopnbc.img.entriq.net/img/ShopNBCLivePlayer/main.swf pageurl=http://www.shopnbc.com/

    You can only use single URL address without attributes, for example:


    If Real RTMP option in preferences is disabled, plug-in will try to play stream over HTTP protocol, some streams work that way. If Real RTMP option is enabled, but UseRealRTMP flag in Info.plist file is disabled, then Plex will try to use its own hosted SWF player and will fail because as mentioned above Plex no longer supports webkit players.

  • MMS did not work for me on any tested devises, but plug-in will try to play MMS videos over HTTP protocol.

  • UDP and RTP do not work, udpxy or similar service is required to convert it to HTTP as suggested in issue #32.

Keep in mind that all streams are unique and Plex will not be able to play all of them, not because of plug-ins fault but because of Plex players limitations (read Compatibility and limitations).


If You encounter errors or some streams do not work please do the following:

  1. Make sure the playlist file is encoded in UTF-8 without BOM.

  2. If urls in Your playlist end with .ts change it to .m3u8 as suggested in issue #40.

  3. Try to play the stream in VLC player, if it fails Your stream is invalid and will not play on any device.

  4. Try disabling Direct Play and Direct Stream in Your player settings, this helps 9 of 10 times.

  5. If Your player does not have settings mentioned above or they do not work, try switching off option Optimized for streaming in plug-ins preferences.

  6. Check the plug-ins log file com.plexapp.plugins.iptv.log, refer to official Plex support page Plex Media Server Log Files for file location. If log is filled with error No playable sources found then player is unable to play the stream and there is nothing I can do until Plex updates it, otherwise submit a ticket on GitHub or post on Plex forum with log and playlist files attached and I or other users will try to help You.

To do list

  • Support multiple playlists (for the moments it is possible to make multiple instances of this plug-in and use different playlist for each);
  • Possibility to predefine audio track, if ever becomes possible.

Credits and contacts

If You have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact me via GitHub or Plex forum, or visit my personal blog at valdasv.blogspot.lt, but please keep in mind that I did this plug-in voluntary in my spare time and I have other priorities to do so do not expect for a quick response. However if You find my work useful, please consider a small donation as a sign of gratitude and support.



Copyright © 2013-2017 Valdas Vaitiekaitis

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.