vovak's Followers
- aaapetyanSaint Petersburg, Russia
- alma4rebi@alma4rebi
- alyulinaStanford University
- anlunJetBrains Research
- avirias@0xTeamNull
- Avv22
- breandan@mila-iqia
- d3v3l0Munich
- dardin88University of Salerno
- egor-bogomolov@JetBrains-Research
- egorklimov@JetBrains
- emaballarinDept. of Maths, UniTS | @LACoNIC-UniTS ⊆ @ailab-units | @sissa-data-science | @AI-Student-Society
- fscheidt
- giograno@localstack
- IngoScholtesUniversity of Würzburg and @uzhdag
- jeandersonbc@Adyen
- jwgmeligmeylingNetherlands
- kirill-markin@ozma-io
- kraalfar
- margo-30
- mishaevtikhievJetBrains Research
- mitchellolsthoornDelft University of Technology
- mitsyuk
- mkaouer@smilevo at Rochester Institute of Technology
- Mohammed-kjArsi University
- natalymrJetBrains
- olegsJetBrains
- onewhl@JetBrains
- sbackUniversity of Zurich
- smallshen@EridaniTeam
- tchnorider@algoritmosii
- vasdommesCalifornia Institute of Technology (Caltech)
- VincentRbbmndRotterdam, The Netherlands
- vovakfake
- xdevroeyUniversity of Namur
- zaleslaw@JetBrains