
Swimmer datafiled for Garmin Connect IQ store.

MIT LicenseMIT


SwimmersField Screenshot

Updated SwimmersField Data Filed for Garmin Connect IQ store. This is a free complex Data Field for the Fenix 3 watch that shows multiple values in a single field layout. SwimmersField is open source, its code can be found at github: https://github.com/vovan-/swimmer-datafiled-garmin

Release versions are published in the Garmin App Store



Any feedback, questions and answers please post on the corresponding forum thread (Garmin users are by default a Garmin Forum user): https://forums.garmin.com/showthread.php?335085-Data-Field-SwimmersField Developers have no access to provide response for Ratings and Reviews on Garmin App store.



  • Timer: duration of the activity in [hh:]mm:ss;
  • Distance: elapsed distance in meters or yards based on system settings;
  • Time of the day;
  • Unit settings applied only before starting the activity. During activity settings won't apply.


Installation Instructions

A Data Field needs to be set up within the settings for a given activity (like Pool swim)

  • Long Press UP
  • Settings
  • Apps
  • Pool swim
  • Data Screens
  • Screen N
  • Layout
  • Select single field or two fields layout
  • Field 1
  • Select ConnectIQ Fields
  • Select SwimmersField
  • Long Press DOWN to go back to watch face

FAQ: How to add custom data field to app in fenix 3? https://www.facebook.com/GarminFenix3/posts/441344592657118



Start Swim activity. You should see the SwimmersField Data Field.


Changelog 1.1.5

  • Increased timer font
  • Added outlines to timer and TOD fields
  • Changed color of timer font as it was difficult to read under the water

Changelog 1.1.4

Changelog 1.1.3

  • Added wide custom font for the distance
  • Increased timer font to the biggest standard font
  • Changed layout management type + some colors changed
  • Reduced memory footprint so that custom font can be added
  • Only single field layout is supported from now to reduce memory footprint

Changelog 1.1.2

  • Reduced memory footprint
  • Fixed error with displaying data field

Changelog 1.0.0

  • Initial commit