MiuiCamera Port for Beryllium
Self sufficient repository to decompile to smali, recompile, sign, decompile to java, push to device app port.
miui_POCOF1Global_9.4.26_146a17240f_9.0 was used as src.
Recommended to open this Repository in VSCode
This repository requires git-lfs
Get it from
Follow Step 1 of Getting Started. i.e. run once git lfs install
Then clone this repository. If you have already cloned, run clone once again.
Also requires Java 1.7 or 1.8, and 7-zip.
Instructions for Development:
- Clone this repository
- Run redo.bat
- Start porting
Instructions for Testing:
- Download the
from - Install the Magisk
with Magisk, or Unityzip
with recovery - Reboot Once, if it doesn't work properly, reboot twice.
- Start Testing
Special Thanks to Abhishek Aggarwal ( for bringing this up to Beta version Mustang_ssc ( for his help in adding support for other devices Amogha Maiya ( for sponsoring, and all-round help Sandeep ( for help with the libs Psygarden ( for his general help.
Steps to Port MiuiCamera from scratch:
- Unpack System of Miui ROM
- Setup Original files for Decompiling
- Copy following to ANXCamera10\orig\MiuiFrameworks. Files to be taken from Unpacked ROM above
- framework\framework-res.apk
- app\miui\miui.apk
- Copy following to ANXCamera10\orig
- priv-app\MiuiCamera\MiuiCamera.apk
- Copy following to ANXCamera10\orig\MiuiFrameworks. Files to be taken from Unpacked ROM above
- Prepare APKTool for decompiling
- Install above framework files by running following commands
java -jar ..\ANXMiuiPortTools\apktool.jar if -p ..\ANXMiuiPortTools\MiuiFrameworks .\orig\MiuiFrameworks\framework-res.apk
java -jar ..\ANXMiuiPortTools\apktool.jar if -p ..\ANXMiuiPortTools\MiuiFrameworks .\orig\MiuiFrameworks\miui.apk
- Install above framework files by running following commands
- Decompile MiuiCamera by running
java -jar ..\ANXMiuiPortTools\apktool.jar d -p ..\ANXMiuiPortTools\MiuiFrameworks -f -b -o .\src\ANXCamera .\orig\MiuiCamera.apk
- Parameters
- d, decode
- -p, --frame-path
- -f, --force
- -b, --no-debug-info
- -o, --output
- Open
and format the document - First Compile Attempt
- Run
just to check whether we are able to recompile without any modification - Run
to sign and zipalign - Run
to create java code from compiled apk. This fails, don't worry, it does whatever it can
- Run
- Next we will Deodex rom and decompile the required libs
- Run in WSL or Linux
$ /<path to vdexExtractor>/tools/deodex/ -i /<path to system>/framework -o /<path to deodex destination>/framework
- Above will deodex the system framework
- Now we decompile the required libs
- Copy latest baksmali.*.jar to
<path to deodex destination>
- To identify what libs you need to decompile. Open
- Find the
XML Nodes. We need to decompile these - We will skip
as we will disable miui-stats from sending data to miui.
- Find the
- Open a cmd inside
<path to deodex destination>
folder. And run the following:java -jar baksmali-2.2.7.jar d -o android-support-v7-recyclerview .\framework\vdexExtractor_deodexed\android-support-v7-recyclerview\android-support-v7-recyclerview_classes.dex.dex
java -jar baksmali-2.2.7.jar d -o android-support-v13 .\framework\vdexExtractor_deodexed\android-support-v13\android-support-v13_classes.dex.dex
java -jar baksmali-2.2.7.jar d -o boot-framework .\framework\vdexExtractor_deodexed\boot-framework\boot-framework_classes.dex
java -jar baksmali-2.2.7.jar d -o boot-framework2 .\framework\vdexExtractor_deodexed\boot-framework\boot-framework_classes2.dex
java -jar baksmali-2.2.7.jar d -o boot-framework3 .\framework\vdexExtractor_deodexed\boot-framework\boot-framework_classes3.dex
java -jar baksmali-2.2.7.jar d -o boot-miui .\framework\vdexExtractor_deodexed\boot-miui\boot-miui_classes.dex
java -jar baksmali-2.2.7.jar d -o boot-miuisystem .\framework\vdexExtractor_deodexed\boot-miuisystem\boot-miuisystem_classes.dex
java -jar baksmali-2.2.7.jar d -o gson .\framework\vdexExtractor_deodexed\gson\gson_classes.dex.dex
java -jar baksmali-2.2.7.jar d -o volley .\framework\vdexExtractor_deodexed\volley\volley_classes.dex.dex
java -jar baksmali-2.2.7.jar d -o zxing .\framework\vdexExtractor_deodexed\zxing\zxing_classes.dex.dex
- Copy latest baksmali.*.jar to
- Run in WSL or Linux
- Now we will add few of the above decompiles libs to our code
- Create a folder
- Copy the contents of
<path to deodex destination>\android-support-v7-recyclerview
<path to deodex destination>\android-support-v13
<path to deodex destination>\gson
<path to deodex destination>\volley
<path to deodex destination>\zxing
- to
. It should finally contain two foldersandroid
- Create a folder
- Set required = false in AndroidManifest of these libs as their code is now included
- Add missing smali files from decompiled miui rom
- Add native libs
- Edit Smali
- ...