
Integrate LINE Pay API

Primary LanguageJava


Generate keystore

keytool -genkey -alias linepay -keyalg RSA -keystore keystore.jks \
    -validity 3650 -storetype JKS \
    -dname "CN=Lance Li, OU=Lance, O=Lance, L=Taipei, ST=Taiwan, C=TW" \
    -keypass keypass1234 -storepass storepass1234

Encrypt store password

  1. Encrypt key and keystore passwd
    java src/main/java/com/lance/util/AES.java keypass1234
    java src/main/java/com/lance/util/AES.java storepass1234
  2. Put the text to .txt respective file under credential directory


  1. Create sandbox account to get channel id and channel secret key
  2. Put channel id and channel secret key to application.yaml

Start application

./mvnw spring-boot:run

Make Request

  1. Create request
    • Post https://localhost:8443/line-pay/request
    • Body
          "amount": 40,
          "currency": "TWD",
          "orderId": "test_lance_10",
                  "id": "1",
                  "amount": 40,
                  "name": "TECH SHOP",
                          "id": "product_1",
                          "name": "USB 1T",
                          "quantity": 1,
                          "price": 40
              "confirmUrl": "https://lance.requestcatcher.com/",
              "cancelUrl": "https://lance.requestcatcher.com/"
  2. Pay the request by the response body paymentUrl
  3. Confirm request
  4. Refund request
  5. Get request detail