keytool -genkey -alias linepay -keyalg RSA -keystore keystore.jks \
-validity 3650 -storetype JKS \
-dname "CN=Lance Li, OU=Lance, O=Lance, L=Taipei, ST=Taiwan, C=TW" \
-keypass keypass1234 -storepass storepass1234
- Encrypt key and keystore passwd
java src/main/java/com/lance/util/ keypass1234
java src/main/java/com/lance/util/ storepass1234
- Put the text to .txt respective file under credential directory
- Create sandbox account to get channel id and channel secret key
- Put channel id and channel secret key to application.yaml
- Create request
- Post https://localhost:8443/line-pay/request
- Body
"amount": 40,
"currency": "TWD",
"orderId": "test_lance_10",
"id": "1",
"amount": 40,
"name": "TECH SHOP",
"id": "product_1",
"name": "USB 1T",
"quantity": 1,
"price": 40
"confirmUrl": "",
"cancelUrl": ""
- Pay the request by the response body paymentUrl
- Confirm request
- Refund request
- Get request detail