An image component for react-native with persistent disk and memory caching.
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Module not found: Can't resolve 'react-native/Libraries/Image/resolveAssetSource'
#25 opened by saravanatm - 0
at time of creating release -- Execution failed for task ':react-native-web-image:verifyReleaseResources'.
#22 opened by jayawasthi - 5
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Different WebImage component with the same source.url does not load image from cache
#20 opened by ppatotski - 0
Android's application error
#19 opened by guoguoss - 0
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iOS app crashes on physical device
#18 opened by bvv218 - 17
border radius doesn't work
#2 opened by praneeth-alla - 25
ios build failing with missing files
#8 opened by maurovisintin - 1
Integration with react-native-image-progress?
#15 opened by dotansimha - 2
How to remove image cache ?
#12 opened by Najibsaurus - 5
Getting a Random crash
#6 opened by praneeth-alla - 4
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Does It Work With Webp on IOS?
#10 opened by alicankoker - 5
If I use it as a wrapper in Android I get the error android.widget.imageview cannot be cast to android.view.viewgroup
#3 opened by nbastoWM - 5
Placeholder Image
#9 opened by praneeth-alla - 1
Add onLoadEnd callback
#5 opened by jordanmkoncz - 3
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NullPointer Exception
#4 opened by praneeth-alla