- 0
#54 opened by armanhajizadeh - 4
[Bug] Can't access GPUs during docker build
#47 opened by liusida - 2
[Feature] 12GB RAM version?
#53 opened by agaier - 1
[Feature] Water Environment Please
#51 opened by kattwalker - 0
[Feature] python interface
#50 opened by rasmusbergpalm - 3
Installation Questions
#49 opened by indubeetably - 1
[Bug] If running voxcraft-sim in parallel, the message from voxcraft-sim to vx-node-worker might be interfered with each other
#46 opened by liusida - 3
Material density
#45 opened by nhatminh2h - 2
- 4
- 5
Unexpected behaviors
#39 opened by scarlettwei - 3
Understanding Phase in Sim vs Viz
#40 opened by jrieffel - 18
- 1
[enchancement] Try to design a even simpler but more powerful configuration file format for experiment
#2 opened by liusida - 1
Move docs to
#12 opened by skriegman - 2
Understanding parameter values of viz vs sim
#24 opened by jrieffel - 3
Robot Jumps Unexpectedly.
#32 opened by cfusting - 3
- 4
Google Colab Runtime Configuration
#37 opened by jrieffel - 6
z-axis fitness is negative
#33 opened by cfusting - 2
- 0
[enchancement] Separate body from world.
#28 opened by skriegman - 1
Robot jumps suddenly.
#31 opened by cfusting - 5
GPU error when running node worker
#26 opened by jrieffel - 0
Only write fixed voxels once in history files
#14 opened by skriegman - 2
- 21
Incomplete history files
#23 opened by ai-honzik - 6
- 5
Collision with ground
#20 opened by jrieffel - 1
- 1
Control signals for simulated robot
#11 opened by jrieffel - 1
- 0
Detach duplicate bonds (keep oldest).
#10 opened by skriegman - 4
CUDA Error
#9 opened by jrieffel - 2
- 6
build fails with boost errors
#3 opened by jrieffel - 4