This guide explains how to create a basic audio and video conference application for mobile devices using the Communications SDK for Flutter. This starter project provides the foundation upon which you can add additional features as you build out your own solutions for events, collaboration, education, or live streaming.
The application lets you create, join, and leave the conference with enabled audio and video. You can also see the participants list. The final application will look like the following:
This project uses the Flutter SDK and requires a basic knowledge of Flutter. If you need help with Flutter development, see the Flutter documentation.
Make sure that you have:
- A account. If you do not have an account, you can sign up for a free account.
- An iOS or Android device, or a device emulator
- Flutter SDK 3.0.3 or later configured to work on iOS and Android
- Android Studio for Android development
- Xcode and CocoaPods for iOS development
- The client access token copied from the dashboard. To create the token, log in to the dashboard, create an application and navigate to the API keys section.
To check if there are any additional dependencies that you need to install to complete the setup, use the flutter doctor (macOS, Windows) command.
For more information about iOS SDK and Android SDK requirements, see the Supported Environments document.
Each step in this guide focuses on an important component of a basic conference application. You can either follow along by starting from the boiler plate code in the root of the project or start with the final full source code listing and read the explanations below to understand how it works.
Step 0 - Create a new project and install the dependencies
- Create a new Flutter project
- Add the required package dependencies
- Download and install the dependencies
Create a new Flutter project using the following command:
flutter create dolbyio_getting_started
After a few minutes, you should have a template and installed components needed for the project to run. Once the project is created, go to the newly created folder:
cd dolbyio_getting_started
Add the following package dependencies to the project:
- Communications SDK for Flutter
- The permission_handler that allows requesting all required permissions for iOS and Android
- The collection that allows manipulating collections
flutter pub add dolbyio_comms_sdk_flutter permission_handler collection
Download and install all dependencies, including iOS and Android SDK binaries:
flutter packages get
The Communications SDK for Flutter is compatible only with Android 21+. To set the Android version, add the following code to the android/app/build.gradle
android {
compileSdkVersion 33
defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion 21
On iOS, the minimum deployment version needs to be set to iOS 12. You can check the version by opening the ios/Podfile
file and making sure that it contains the following line:
platform :ios, '12.0'
Additionally, disable the bitcode support in the same file by updating the last block of code with the following:
post_install do |installer|
installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
# Disable bitcode
target.build_configurations.each do |config|
config.build_settings['ENABLE_BITCODE'] = 'NO'
Step 1 - Replace the default layout
Replace the content of the lib/main.dart file with a basic layout for a conference application.
Open the lib/main.dart
file in your favorite text editor and replace its content with the following code:
// Step 2: Import the permission handler package
// Step 3: Import the Communications SDK for Flutter
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:math';
import 'dart:core';
import 'dart:developer' as developer;
void main() {
runApp(const MaterialApp(home: FlutterScreen()));
class FlutterScreen extends StatefulWidget {
const FlutterScreen({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
State<FlutterScreen> createState() => _FlutterScreenState();
class _FlutterScreenState extends State<FlutterScreen> {
// Step 3: Instantiate the SDK here
TextEditingController usernameController = TextEditingController();
TextEditingController conferenceNameController = TextEditingController();
// Generate a client access token from the dashboard
// and insert the token to the accessToken variable
String accessToken = '';
bool isLeaving = false;
bool isJoining = false;
bool isInitializedList = false;
// Step 7: Store the participants list here
// Step 7: Define StreamSubscriptions here
void initState() {
// Step 2: Request the microphone and camera permissions
// Step 3: Call initializeSdk()
// Step 4: Call openSession()
// Step 7: Call updateParticipantsList() with StreamSubscriptions
// Step 7: Cancel StreamSubscriptions
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('Flutter SDK'), centerTitle: true),
body: Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(16),
child: !isInitializedList
? Column(
children: [
TextField(controller: usernameController, readOnly: true),
const SizedBox(height: 12),
decoration: const InputDecoration(
hintText: 'Conference name'),
controller: conferenceNameController),
const SizedBox(height: 12),
onPressed: () async {
// Step 5: Call joinConference()
child: isJoining
? const Text('Joining...')
: const Text('Join the conference')),
const Divider(thickness: 2),
const Text(
"Join the conference to see the list of participants.")
: Column(children: [
Text('Conference name: ${conferenceNameController.text}',
style: const TextStyle(
fontWeight: FontWeight.w400, fontSize: 16)),
const SizedBox(height: 16),
child: Column(children: [
const Align(
alignment: Alignment.centerLeft,
child: Text('List of participants:',
style: TextStyle(
fontWeight: FontWeight.w600))),
const SizedBox(height: 16),
// Step 7: Display the list of participants
const SizedBox(height: 16),
style: ElevatedButton.styleFrom(primary:,
onPressed: () async {
// Step 6: Call leaveConference()
child: isJoining
? const Text('Leaving...')
: const Text('Leave the conference'))
// Step 3: Define the initializeSdk function
// Step 4: Define the openSession function
// Step 5: Define the joinConference function
// Step 6: Define the leaveConference function
// Step 7: Define the updateParticipantsList method
Step 2 - Import the permission_handler package and request permissions
- Request permissions for a microphone and camera when the application loads
- Inform end users of iOS devices that your application requires access to a microphone and camera
The application must request permissions to access the device's microphone and camera. To request all required permissions on iOS and Android, you need to add additional code to the lib/main.dart
First, add the following import statement at the top of the file:
// Step 2: Import the permission handler package
import 'package:permission_handler/permission_handler.dart';
Then, request permissions by adding the following code in the initState() function:
// Step 2: Request the microphone and camera permissions
At this point, when you run the application for the first time, you will receive a pop-up window asking you to grant permissions for the microphone and camera to use them in the conference.
On iOS, establish privacy permissions by adding the following keys to the ios/Runner/Info.plist
- Privacy - Microphone Usage Description
- Privacy - Camera Usage Description
Additionally, make sure that the bundle name pointed by Runner.xcodeproj
is correct.
Step 3 - Initialize the SDK
- Import the Communications SDK for Flutter
- Create an instance of the SDK
- Initialize the SDK with a secure authentication method
In order to use the conferencing functionalities of the SDK, you need to include the Communications SDK for Flutter in your application. To do this, add the following code at the beginning of the lib/main.dart
// Step 3: Import the Communications SDK for Flutter
import 'package:dolbyio_comms_sdk_flutter/dolbyio_comms_sdk_flutter.dart';
Create an instance of the SDK at the beginning of the _FlutterScreenState class:
// Step 3: Instantiate the SDK here
final dolbyioCommsSdk = DolbyioCommsSdk.instance;
Initialize the SDK using the secure authentication method that uses a token in the application. For more information, see the Initializing the SDK document. For the purpose of this sample application, use a client access token generated from the dashboard.
To initialize the SDK, add the following code before the joinConference method:
// Step 3: Define the initializeSdk function
Future<void> initializeSdk() async {
// Initialize the SDK with the access token
await dolbyioCommsSdk.initializeToken(accessToken, () async {
// Request a new access token here
return accessToken;
Call the initializeSdk function by adding the following code in the initState method:
// Step 3: Call initializeSdk()
Step 4 - Open a session to connect your application with the backend
Add the openSession() method to your application and call it from the initState() block.
A session is a connection between the client application and the backend. When opening a session, you should provide a name. Commonly, this is the name of the participant who established the session. In this example, we use a random name.
Add the following code after the implementation of the initializeSdk function:
// Step 4: Define the openSession function
Future<void> openSession() async {
// Generate a random username
int randomNumber = Random().nextInt(1000);
usernameController.text = "user-$randomNumber";
// Open a new session for the local participant
var participantInfo = ParticipantInfo(usernameController.text, null, null);
Call the created function by adding the following code after initializing the SDK in the initState() method.
// Step 4: Call openSession()
Step 5 - Use the joinConference() method
Add the joinConference() method to your application and call it whenever a user clicks the Join the conference button.
A conference is a multi-person call where participants exchange audio with one another. To distinguish between multiple conferences, you should assign a conference alias or name. When multiple participants join a conference of the same name using a token for the same application, they will be able to meet in a call.
Locate the joinConference function and add the following implementation to the function to allow creating and joining conferences:
// Step 5: Define the joinConference function
Future<void> joinConference() async {
setState(() => isJoining = true);
// Create conference options
var params = ConferenceCreateParameters();
params.dolbyVoice = true;
var createOptions = ConferenceCreateOption(conferenceNameController.text, params, 0, SpatialAudioStyle.disabled);
// Join the conference with audio and video
var joinOptions = ConferenceJoinOptions();
joinOptions.constraints = ConferenceConstraints(true, true);
// Join the conference
var conference = await dolbyioCommsSdk.conference.create(createOptions);
conference = await dolbyioCommsSdk.conference.join(conference, joinOptions);
// Check the conference status
if (conference.status == ConferenceStatus.joined) {
setState(() => isJoining = false);
developer.log('Joined to conference.');
} else {
developer.log('Cannot join to conference.');
Call the created function by adding the following code on the callback of the Join the conference button.
// Step 5: Call joinConference()
await joinConference();
Step 6 - Use the leaveConference() method
Add the leaveConference() method to your application and call it whenever a user clicks the Leave the conference button.
To leave the conference, locate the leave function and add the following implementation to the function:
// Step 6: Define the leaveConference function
Future<void> leaveConference() async {
setState(() => isLeaving = true);
await dolbyioCommsSdk.conference.leave(options: null);
setState(() => isInitializedList = false);
setState(() => isLeaving = false);
Call the created function by adding the following code on the callback of the Leave the conference button.
// Step 6: Call leaveConference()
await leaveConference();
Step 7 - Add the participants list to the layout
- Create a variable for storing the list of participants
- Add the participants list to the layout
- Listen to the changes on the list of participants using the updateParticipantsList() method with StreamSubscriptions
First, create a variable in the _FlutterScreenState class for storing the list of participants.
// Step 7: Store the list of participants
List<Participant> participants = [];
Then, define how you want to present the list of participants in the UI by adding the following code to the build function:
// Step 7: Display the list of participants
child: ListView.separated(
separatorBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
return const SizedBox(height: 5);
shrinkWrap: true,
itemCount: participants.length,
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
var participant = participants[index];
return Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(4),
child: Row(children: [
flex: 1,
child: SizedBox(
height: 150,
width: 150,
child: VideoView.withMediaStream(
participant: participant,
mediaStream: participant.streams?.firstWhereOrNull((s) =>
s.type ==,
key: ValueKey('video_view_tile_${}')))),
flex: 1,
child: Column(
children: [
Text("status: ${participant.status?.name}")
After joining a conference, the application must listen to changes on the list of participants to update the UI. To listen to the changes, define the onParticipantsChangeSubscription and onStreamsChangeSubscription in the initState() method:
// Step 7: Define StreamSubscriptions
StreamSubscription<Event<ConferenceServiceEventNames, Participant>>?
StreamSubscription<Event<ConferenceServiceEventNames, StreamsChangeData>>?
These StreamSubscriptions should be canceled when the widget is destroyed. Define the dispose() method after the initState() method:
// Step 7: Cancel StreamSubscriptions
void dispose() {
To update the participants list, define the updateParticipantsList() method at the end of the class:
// Step 7: Define the updateParticipantsList method
Future<void> updateParticipantsList() async {
try {
var conference = await dolbyioCommsSdk.conference.current();
var participantsList =
await dolbyioCommsSdk.conference.getParticipants(conference);
final availableParticipants = participantsList
.where((element) => element.status != ParticipantStatus.left);
setState(() {
participants = availableParticipants.toList();
isInitializedList = true;
} catch (error) {
developer.log("Error during initializing participant list.", error: error);
Call the created function by adding the following code after opening the session, in the initState() method.
// Step 7: Call updateParticipantsList() with StreamSubscriptions
onParticipantsChangeSubscription =
dolbyioCommsSdk.conference.onParticipantsChange().listen((params) {
onStreamsChangeSubscription =
dolbyioCommsSdk.conference.onStreamsChange().listen((params) {
At this stage, your basic application should be ready. You should be able to join a conference, see participants, their names and statuses, and leave the conference.
Search for the String accessToken variable at the beginning of the _FlutterScreenState class and copy the client access token that you copied from the dashboard.
Make sure that your device is available:
flutter devices
Run your application:
flutter run