
A Crystal library providing bindings for Blend2D

Primary LanguageCrystalMIT LicenseMIT


blend2d-cr is a library that binds Blend2D to Crystal. It comes with a high-level interface (Blend2D) for making interacting with Blend2D's C API much easier. However, you can still use the C API directly (Blend2D::C), if you wish.

Blend2D is a high performance 2D vector graphics engine.


  1. Obtain and build Blend2D
    • For Arch, you can use your favorite AUR helper: yay -S blend2d-git
    • Further instructions are available at blend2d.com/download.html.
  2. Add to your shard.yml's dependencies
            github: voximity/blend2d-cr.git
  3. Add require "blend2d" to the top of your source file

Getting Started

The Blend2D website has a Getting Started page of its own. See GETTING_STARTED.md for this library's own equivalent using the same examples using blend2d-cr.



This example is from Blend2D's Getting Started page.


# Create a new image that is 480x480 and assign a new context to it
image = Blend2D::Image.new 480, 480
ctx = Blend2D::Context.new image

# Clear the context
ctx.composition_operator = Blend2D::CompositionOperator::SourceCopy

 # Create a radial gradient for the circle
radial_gradient = Blend2D::Gradient.radial 180, 180, 180, 180, 180
radial_gradient.add_stop 0, Blend2D::RGBA32.new 255, 255, 255, 255
radial_gradient.add_stop 1, Blend2D::RGBA32.new 255, 150, 80, 255

# Draw a circle using the gradient
ctx.composition_operator = Blend2D::CompositionOperator::SourceOver
ctx.fill_style = radial_gradient
ctx.fill_geometry Blend2D::Geometry::Circle.new cx: 180, cy: 180, r: 160

# Create a linear gradient for the rounded rectangle
linear_gradient = Blend2D::Gradient.linear 195, 195, 470, 470
linear_gradient.add_stop 0, Blend2D::RGBA32.new 255, 255, 255, 255
linear_gradient.add_stop 1, Blend2D::RGBA32.new 80, 150, 255, 255

# Draw the rounded rectangle
ctx.composition_operator = Blend2D::CompositionOperator::Difference
ctx.fill_style = linear_gradient
ctx.fill_geometry Blend2D::Geometry::RoundRect.new x: 195, y: 195, w: 270, h: 270, r: 25

# End the context

# Create a codec from one of the built-in ones, and output "example/composition.bmp"
codec = Blend2D::Codec.new "BMP"
image.write_to_file "example/composition.bmp", codec

Other examples

See the example directory.

Garbage collection

Because Crystal is a garbage-collected language, there is no need to call any manual C methods to clean up after a no-longer-in-use Blend2D object. This is done automatically through each high-level class's finalize method.


You can use the direct C binding through the Blend2D::C namespace. The lib is called LibBlend2D. A good amount of methods and types are implemented, but some that are considered unnecessary are not*. The source for the C bindings are in /src/blend2d/c.

The naming scheme for C structs are identical in this binding. However, the method naming scheme is not. In the C API, methods of Blend2D are prefixed with bl, which is followed by the topic that method represents, then some CamelCased text describing the purpose of the method. In Blend2D::C, methods are renamed without bl and are snake_cased instead, to follow the basic naming conventions of Crystal.

Here are some examples:

  • BLContextCore is LibBlend2D::BLContextCore
  • blContextInit is LibBlend2D.context_init
  • blFontGetGlyphRunOutlines is LibBlend2D.font_get_glyph_run_outlines

* The assumption that some methods and types are unnecessary is arbitrary. If you have a need for a certain method or type, either create an issue or a PR and I will work on implementing it.

Contributing & maintaining

I will maintain this library as Blend2D changes. Please keep in mind that not only is this binding in a very early state (e.g. not all features will work), Blend2D is in also in a very early state, and everything is subject to change. There will be breaking changes, and this library may not be up-to-date all of the time.


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