
Currency plugin for Omegga

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A lightweight currency plugin for Omegga.

This is more of a dependency plugin than a feature plugin. Other Omegga plugins can hook into this one and use it for its interop events. Omegga plugins that start with omegga-currency- are likely extension plugins and can interact directly with this one. Careful with which plugins you add, as they can harmfully impact your server's currency storage.


omegga install gh:voximity/currency

Install some extension plugins!


Configure the config options from the web panel and enjoy.

Making extensions

This plugin makes use of Omegga's plugin interop system. The following events are available for you to use:

Event Args Description
get [player id: string] Gets the player's entire currency data object.
currency [player id: string] Gets the player's currency, formatted as a string, with the server's chosen prefix. This is the preferred method of getting string formatted currency.
get.path.to.data [player id: string] Gets some data from the player's data object, given as a path. This is the preferred method of getting the player's currency as a number. Use get.currency to get the player's currency.
update [player id: string, data: object] Updates the player's data object by merging it with the one given.
set.path.to.data [player id: string, data: any] Sets a field in the player's data to the data given. If the path contains intermediate unset objects, they will be created as the data is traversed.
add.path.to.data [player id: string, value: number] Assuming path.to.data represents a numeric field, adds value to it. If it is unset, it is set to value.
push.path.to.data [player id: string, value: any] Assuming path.to.data represents an array, pushes value onto the array. If the array is unset, it is set to [value].
delete.path.to.data [player id: string] Deletes the field found at path.to.data, assuming it is not a field provided by this plugin, like currency.
format [value: number] Formats a number to use the configured currency prefix, padding, etc.
round [value: number] Rounds a number to use the configured decimal places.

API wrapper

Included in this repository is currency.ts, which you are free to include in your extension project. It provides an abstraction over the plugin interop methods. It will throw errors automatically for you as well.

Add currency.ts to your project, and in your plugin's init method, add

const currency = new Currency(this.omegga);
await currency.loadPlugin();

Then, you can use the methods provided that abstract over the above plugin interop methods.


If one of the events error, it will return an object of type { error: string }.

Event object paths

In the above, path.to.data represents a jq-like path syntax that allows you to traverse down the player's data object. For example, assume the player's data object looks like this:

  "currency": 0,
  "foo": {
    "bar": 10

If we use add.foo.bar with a value of 5, the data object becomes:

  "currency": 0,
  "foo": {
    "bar": 15

Or, we can use something like push.foo.baz with a value of "hello". The data object then becomes:

  "currency": 0,
  "foo": {
    "bar": 15,
    "baz": ["hello"]