Autotune Image Slider

Introduce the project briefly; say what it is and what it does and why you might want to use or contribute to it.

This an image slider constructed as a blueprint for use within Autotune.

Getting started

After cloning the project:

  1. Install dependencies by running: $ bundle install
  2. Start middleman by running: $ bundle exec middleman


This project is structured as a blueprint created for use within Autotune. All blueprints are Middleman projects constructed with a few additional components.

These components are:

  • data/autotune.json
    • This is the data file that will be generated every time that a project is created in Autotune using this blueprint.
  • autotune-config.json
    • This json file generates the user entry form for creating an image slider and must be included for the blueprint to function successfully within Autotune.


(Coming soon)


Casey Miller, Yuri Victor


This project is shared as-is. Bugs, issues, and pull requests may not be readily addressed.


Copyright (c) 2014, Vox Media, Inc. All rights reserved.

We're sharing this project in the hope that the methods and tactics here may be useful to others. That said, you may not republish this work. Learn from it and use it to build your own stories.