- 1
Forge Module not Published
#330 opened by sk-securian - 3
createkeys always creates keys in ${DEFAULT}/keys
#118 opened by stevie- - 0
Update dependency for puppetserver_gem
#293 opened by cdenneen - 1
Fails to install with latest puppetlabs/inifile
#214 opened by iainhallam - 2
- 6
Unknown variable: '::pe_server_version'
#171 opened by jflorian - 0
- 2
yaml backend is populated when using eyaml
#177 opened by adamcstephens - 1
mapped_paths is not recognized
#248 opened by m-shaffer - 0
Confdir Variable is Not Working
#282 opened by jcitarello-ercot - 4
- 0
Parameters missing from
#281 opened by llowder - 0
eyaml: add puppetlabs/puppetserver_gem as an explicit dependency for PE 2015.3
#113 opened by cbowlesatx - 2
- 1
hiera.yaml is not created for each environment
#230 opened by ilvidel - 5
Incompatible with Puppet-6
#263 opened by pillarsdotnet - 1
Cannot install deep_merge gem.
#252 opened by pillarsdotnet - 10
- 7
New hiera.yaml v5 format misses eyaml options
#206 opened by tmannerm - 0
Ability to create empty hierarchy (for global config)
#243 opened by nmaludy - 2
Brand new install can't find eyaml command
#220 opened by iainhallam - 0
Version 3.3.3 seems to affect installation of puppet-r10k in a negative way
#235 opened by davide4hire - 0
Array inside Hash not being interpolated
#215 opened by maxadamo - 8
hiera 5 compatibility
#189 opened by igalic - 3
Release new tag incorporating #197, #200
#202 opened by reidmv - 1
eyaml gem not installed in PE 2017.2.2
#201 opened by jvelasquez - 1
- 4
json backend datadir can not be set
#152 opened by DrOwl - 2
- 1
- 3
Variables in a single-quote is changed to value - should not be (according to the README)
#141 opened by khdevel - 1
- 0
- 4
incompatible changes in version 2.2.0
#161 opened by vchepkov - 1
Problems configuring eyaml-gpg without eyaml
#158 opened by earsdown - 0
Add support for 3rd party backends
#153 opened by logicminds - 0
hiera::eyaml breaks ACLs on Ext4 file systems
#147 opened by FayeG - 3
masterservice in the Documentation
#140 opened by mikalsande - 3
- 2
Invalid package provider puppetserver_gem
#138 opened by jvelasquez - 1
hiera.yaml incorrectly rendered on puppet 4
#132 opened by alexjfisher - 3
- 0
- 3
- 1
ReadMe incorrect with regards master_service
#122 opened by snesbittsea - 3
Puppet 4 and Above Use /etc/puppetlabs/code/hiera.yaml as the default location for hiera.yaml
#97 opened by npwalker - 1
- 6
Hierarchy interpolation seems to have changed.
#108 opened by rnelson0 - 1
Enable Travis CI
#96 opened by rnelson0 - 1
versioncmp expects a string value
#95 opened by bwilcox