
OpenVPN module for puppet including client config/cert creation

Primary LanguageRubyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

OpenVPN Puppet module

Build Status Release License Puppet Forge Puppet Forge - downloads Puppet Forge - endorsement Puppet Forge - scores

Puppet module to manage OpenVPN servers and clients.


  • Client-specific rules and access policies
  • Generated client configurations and SSL-Certificates
  • Downloadable client configurations and SSL-Certificates for easy client configuration
  • Support for multiple server instances
  • Support for LDAP-Authentication
  • Support for server instance in client mode
  • Support for TLS

Supported OS

  • Ubuntu
  • Debian
  • CentOS
  • RedHat
  • Solaris



The supported Puppet versions are listed in the metadata.json


Please see REFERENCE.md for more details.

Example with hiera

  - openvpn

    country: 'CH'
    province: 'ZH'
    city: 'Winterthur'
    organization: 'example.org'
    email: 'root@example.org'
    server: ''

  server: 'winterthur'

  'client1': {}
  'client2': {}
  'client3': {}

    server: 'winterthur'
    ifconfig: ''

    server: 'winterthur'

Don't forget the sysctl directive net.ipv4.ip_forward!

Encryption Choices

This module provides certain default parameters for the openvpn encryption settings.

These settings have been applied in line with current "best practices" but no guarantee is given for their saftey and they could change in future.

You should double check these settings yourself to make sure they are suitable for your needs and in line with current best practices.

Example for automating client deployment to nodes managed by Puppet

Exporting the configurations for a client in the VPN server manifest:

  openvpn::deploy::export { 'client1':
    server => 'winterthur',

Installation, configuration and starting the OpenVPN client in a configured node manifest:

  openvpn::deploy::client { 'client1':
    server => 'winterthur',

Experimenting and developing in Vagrant

This project includes a Vagrantfile which allows you to easily develop this module or try it out. The prerequisites are Vagrant and VirtualBox.

To bring up the OpenVPN server VM:

vagrant up server_ubuntu

To bring up the OpenVPN client VM:

vagrant up client_ubuntu

Client's OpenVPN configuration is generated on the server, but it needs to be deployed to the client manually as exported resources are not available in Vagrant. To get the client config from server:

vagrant ssh server_ubuntu
sudo -i
cp /etc/openvpn/winterthur/download-configs/client1.ovpn /vagrant/

To copy it to the client:

vagrant ssh client_ubuntu
sudo -i
mv /vagrant/client1.ovpn /etc/openvpn/client/client1.conf

To connect directly with OpenVPN:

openvpn --config /etc/openvpn/client/client1.conf

To connect with systemd:

systemctl start openvpn-client@client1

To test connectivity between client and server:



The default key size is now set to 2048 bits. This setting also affects the size of the dhparam file.


2048 bits is OK, but both NSA and ANSSI recommend at least a 3072 bits for a future-proof key. As the size of the key will have an impact on speed, I leave the choice to use 2048, 3072 or 4096 bits RSA key. 4096 bits is what's most used and recommened today, but 3072 bits is still good.


The default data channel cipher is now set to AES-256-GCM


OpenVPN was setting its default value to BF-CBC. In newer versions of OpenVPN it warns that this is no longer a secure cipher. The OpenVPN documentation recommends using this setting.


The default tls_cipher option is now set to: TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-256-GCM-SHA384:TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA256:TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-128-GCM-SHA256:TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA256


Details of these ciphers and their uses can be found in the documentation links above.


This module is maintained by Vox Pupuli. Voxpupuli welcomes new contributions to this module, especially those that include documentation and rspec tests. We are happy to provide guidance if necessary.

Please see CONTRIBUTING for more details.
