Minimal FreeSWITCH configuration ================================ This is a minimalistic FreeSWITCH configuration. It does not do anyting, yet it allows starting the FreeSWITCH daemon and connecting to its console with fs_cli. The purpose of this configuration is to provide a base for new projects, so that you don't have to clean up the vanilla configuration from unneeded features. Tested on Debian with packages from []. Usage if you do everethyng as root: ----------------------------------- cd /etc git clone freeswitch Usage if you work as multiple non-root users: --------------------------------------------- echo "umask 0007" >>~/.profile umask 0007 sudo adduser jsmith freeswitch sudo mkdir /etc/freeswitch sudo chgrp freeswitch /etc/freeswitch sudo chmod g+ws /etc/freeswitch cd /etc/freeswitch git init --shared=0660 git pull master Installing FreeSWITCH on Debian Jessie -------------------------------------- apt-get update && apt-get install -y curl git cat >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/freeswitch.list <<EOT deb jessie main EOT curl \ | apt-key add - apt-get update && apt-get install -y freeswitch-all Further on, you may want to set up your own project-specific Git repository and push new changes to it. The following files are empty and are placed there to keep the XML preprocessor happy. Feel free to delete them after placing your own XML files: directory/stub.xml ivr_menus/stub.xml lang/en/ivr/stub.xml sip_profiles/external/stub.xml sip_profiles/internal/stub.xml The SIP profiles are modified to allow multiple domains, as described in sip_profiles/internal.xml is modified not to alias with any domain in the directory autoload_configs/local_stream.conf.xml is modified to match the MOH paths in Debian packages autoload_configs/logfile.conf.xml logfile rotation is enabled, debug loglevel is disabled See also: tutorials in docs/ subfolder Author ------ Stanislav Sinyagin