A collection of modules distributables (kwa format) for use with KawixCore https://www.npmjs.com/package/@kawix/core
is good, but I believe descentralized better than centralized. KawixCore offer a new way for require modules for nodejs never imagined, making possible hot require any url
in a descentralized way, instead of installing npm dependencies. Sometimes requiring URL is not enough, and can be a better option download a complete module, and uploading compressed modules to github is a good way for stop centralizing. Each person can have his own repo with his own copies of each module/files, and organize with files for each version if prefers
https://github.com/voxsoftware/kawix/sites/x contains a project that have a little registry for base modules that can be used on all projects using kawix/core.
Example, start using coffeescript directly in your project:
import 'https://kwx.kodhe.com/x/v/0.3.20/std/coffeescript/register'
import Mod from './any.coffee'
No. Base modules and source code) are posted on https://github.com/voxsoftware/kawix The purpose of this repo is only provide distributable compressed files that can be dowloaded/uncompressed on final users, that are not interested in source code.