
Voyage Browser Extension

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This repository contains the code for the Voyage core web extension. For details, refer to the RFC.

Getting Started

npm i
npm run start


  • TypeScript
  • React 17
  • Webpack 5
  • Manifest version 3
  • Mantine

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

yarn start

Runs the app in development mode. All compiled assets will be in build. To preview the extension, load it into Chrome.

Note that the extension, including background and content scripts, are automatically hot reloaded thanks to @voyage-finance/webpack-ext-loader, our fork of SimplifyJob/webpack-ext-reloader.

yarn test

Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
See the section about running tests for more information.

yarn run build

Builds the app for production to the build folder.
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.

The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.\

Env variables

There are env.*.example files that you can use for your environment For dev, you can switch on debugging mode. Also, by defining these variables, extension will bypass getTorusKey request for any email.

DEBUG_LOCALHOST_PRIVATE_KEY=  // First priority for generating wallet
DEBUG_GOERLI_MNEMONIC= // Second priority for generating wallet



Voyage Extension has a few major components:

  • UI -- React code that powers the popup and tab views. Communicates with background using PortStream + ObjectMultiplex
  • Background -- houses VoyageController, the central API for both UI and contentscript
  • ContentScript -- enables the extension to manipulate the DOM. Communicates with backgound using PortStream + ObjectMultiplex

Voyage Controller

  • This is the main entrypoint for business logic and persistent state.
  • This is the right place to set up handlers for sendMessage listeners.
  • VoyageController has privileged access to private keys. Never allow access to its methods from unknown sources (third party extensions and websites).
  • It exposes its API via client/server in src/rpc/virtual, an RPC abstraction over Chrome's message passing. This is how contentscript and ui call VoyageController
    • Calling methods via RPCClient may seem like magic, but only serializable data can be passed. This means returning a Promise is not going to work!


  • This responds to all RPC method calls coming from contentscript and ui via BaseProvider.
  • It only gets called for methods like eth_accounts, which needs to return the Vault address (for example).
  • More methods will be handled here, such as eth_sign, etc.


  • Reactive store based on mobx. It sends state updates to the UI via sendUpdate on VoyageController.
  • On the UI side, this state is managed using Redux, because it is far easier to update the entire state tree using it.
  • Note that all state that needs to be exposed should be returned from each sub-store's get state() getter. These must then be called in the get state() of the root ControllerStore. This ensures that the UI will be automatically updated when any sub-store is updated.


  • The UI is a very typical React/Redux application that you have seen dozens of times before.
  • The only store right now is core. It holds all VoyageController state and is updated each time something changes in VoyageController. State that is local to the UI can be handled, as far as possible, within component functions with hooks.
  • If you need to add more app-wide state, don't add it to core, as that is isolated and reserved for VoyageController state.
  • Like the Web UI, it runs on mantine. We should probably extract the custom components into a common shared library at some stage.
  • The only interesting bits are in src/ui/web3/init.ts -- which is responsible for establishing a connection to the background script via PortStream.
  • Additionally, because the global object is a bit wonky in extensions, we use globalThis instead of window or global.
  • provider and controller are always available in the UI context, globally.