
Primary LanguagePerlBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

The asynchronous distribution daemon with rsync.


The asynchronous distribution daemon with rsync.

Table of Contents


The deploy is a asynchronous distribution daemon with rsync. If you have a ssl option(true), then all of data interchange is encrypted. But if you do not use rsync ssh tunnel, then the file transfer is not encrypted.

Deploy's features are as follows:

  • Asynchronous source distribution with rsync.
  • Service daemon control using user defined commands.




Deploy agent daemon for synchronization or running user defined commands


Deploy proxy daemon to relay from deploy-client to deploy-agent.


Deploy client to connect to deploy-agent.


+---------------+      +--------------+
| deploy-client | ---> | deploy-proxy | ----+
+---------------+      +--------------+     |
	   |                                    |
	   |               +--------------+     |
	   +-------------> | deploy-agent | <---+
+---------------+             |
|    rsyncd     | <-----------+


[deploy-client + deploy-agent]

This is the basic design for that.

+---------------+      +--------------+
| deploy-client | ---> | deploy-agent | ----+
+---------------+      +--------------+     |
+---------------+                           |
|    rsyncd     | <-------------------------+

[deploy-client + deploy-proxy + deploy-agent]

This is optional design for that. It makes it relay the command from deploy-client to deploy-agent via deploy-proxy that is similar to the type of api server.

+---------------+      +--------------+
| deploy-client | ---> | deploy-proxy | ----+
+---------------+      +--------------+     |
+---------------+      +--------------+     |
|    rsyncd     | <--- | deploy-agent | <---+
+---------------+      +--------------+


The ssl option in config file(/etc/deploy/deploy_(agent|proxy).ini)

  • SSL: false

  • The transferring data is a plain text.

  • SSL: true

  • The transferring data is a encrypt string.


  • perl
  • perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA
  • perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-AES
  • perl-Crypt-CBC
  • perl-IPC-ShareLite
  • rsync


  • perl-5.10.x ((last tested: v5.10.1)

Earlier versions is not tested.


  1. Clone the git repository.
shell> git clone git://github.com/vozlt/deploy.git
  1. Build the deploy.
shell> ./configure
shell> make
  1. Install the deploy.
shell> make install



shell> /usr/sbin/deploy-agent --help
Usage: deploy-agent [OPTIONS]

           --path=[path]                        : set server configuration file (default: /etc/deploy/deploy_agent.ini)
           --user=[user]                        : set server running user (defaut: root)
           --group=[group]                      : set server running group (defaut: root)
           --addr=[addr]                        : set server listen address (defaut:
           --port=[port]                        : set server listen port (default: 3440)
           --backlog=[number]                   : set server listen backlog (default: SOMAXCONN)
           --max-prefork=[number]               : limits the maximum worker process number
           --max-requests-per-child=[number]    : limits the maximum requests of child
           --max-process-timeout=[number]       : limits the maximum execution time
           --socket-timeout=[number]            : limits the maximum socket wait time
           --socket-accept-filter=[on|off]      : optimizations for a protocol's listener sockets
           --log-write=[on|off]                 : set logging
           --log-error-level=[number]           : set logging level (0-7)
           --log-error-path=[path]              : set error log path
           --log-access-path=[path]             : set access log path
           --key-cipher=[string]                : set password for authentication
           --ssl-private-key=[path]             : set ssl private key for crypt
           --debug                              : running debug mode
           --help                               : this help
shell> /usr/sbin/deploy-agent
$ ps -eo user,pid,cmd --forest | grep deploy
root     28329 deploy::agent: master process
root     28330  \_ deploy::agent: worker process


shell> /usr/sbin/deploy-prosy --help
Usage: deploy-proxy [OPTIONS]

           --path=[path]                          : set server configuration file (default: /etc/deploy/deploy_proxy.ini)
           --user=[user]                          : set server running user (defaut: root)
           --group=[group]                        : set server running group (defaut: root)
           --addr=[addr]                          : set server listen address (defaut:
           --port=[port]                          : set server listen port (default: 3440)
           --backlog=[number]                     : set server listen backlog (default: SOMAXCONN)
           --max-prefork=[number]                 : limits the maximum worker process number
           --max-requests-per-child=[number]      : limits the maximum requests of child
           --max-process-timeout=[number]         : limits the maximum execution time
           --socket-timeout=[number]              : limits the maximum socket wait time
           --socket-accept-filter=[on|off]        : optimizations for a protocol's listener sockets
           --log-write=[on|off]                   : set logging
           --log-error-level=[number]             : set logging level (0-7)
           --log-error-path=[path]                : set error log path
           --log-access-path=[path]               : set access log path
           --key-cipher=[string]                  : set password for authentication
           --ssl-private-key=[path]               : set ssl private key for encryption between client and proxy
           --client-worker-method=[fork|thread]   : set multi-processing method (default: fork)
           --client-ipc-path=[memory|path]        : set queue path for IPC (default: file)
           --client-port=[number]                 : set the port to connect to agent (default: 3440)
           --client-thread-timeout=[number]       : limits the client's maximum execution time
           --client-socket-timeout=[number]       : limits the client's maximum socket wait time
           --client-key-cipher=[string]           : set password for agent's authentication
           --client-ssl-public-key=[path]         : set ssl public key for encryption between proxy and agent
           --debug                                : running debug mode
           --help                                 : this help
shell> /usr/sbin/deploy-proxy
shell> ps -eo user,pid,cmd --forest | grep deploy
root     28329 deploy::proxy: master process
root     28330  \_ deploy::proxy: worker process


shell> /usr/sbin/deploy-client
Usage: deploy-client [OPTIONS] [COMMANDS]

           --order=[status|rlist|rsync|rkill|exec]    : remote command

           --hosts=[hosts]                            : remote host
           --port=[port]                              : remote port
           --args=[(groups|hosts):string]             : order hosts (proxy)
           --options=[options]                        : order options
           --key-cipher=[string]                      : set password for authentication (agent)
           --api-key=[string]                         : set api key for authentication (proxy)
           --ssl-public-key=[path]                    : set ssl public key for encryption (proxy|agent)
           --ipc-path=[memory|path]                   : set queue path for IPC (default: file)
           --worker-method=[fork|thread]              : set multi-processing method (default: fork)
           --thread-timeout=[number]                  : limits the client's maximum execution time
           --socket-timeout=[number]                  : limits the client's maximum socket wait time
           --debug                                    : running debug mode
           --verbose                                  : verbose print mode



  • deploy-agent
  • /etc/deploy/deploy_agent.ini
  • deploy-proxy
  • /etc/deploy/deploy_proxy.ini


Generate (private|public).pem

shell> openssl genrsa 2048 > private.pem
shell> openssl rsa -in private.pem -out public.pem -outform PEM -pubout

Rsync options

{force_flags} is static options to generate the results of rsync.

{default_flags} is a default options.(If you set option[] in config file, then they will be removed)

They are as follows:

  • force_flags
  • --stats
  • --verbose
  • default_flags
  • --archive
  • --delete
  • --force


If agent's ssl option is true, then you need to set --ssl-public-key option. If agent's key_cipher option is set, then you need to set --key-cipher option. (Default key_cipher: 65535) The below --options={rsync_group_name} first be defined in config file(/etc/deploy/deploy_agent.ini) like "[rsync::group::rsync_group_name].


Description: Print the statistics about to be transferred files.

Order to deploy-agent

shell> deploy-client --hosts={agent_host} --port=3440 --options={rsync_group_name} --order=status --key-cipher={key}
shell> deploy-client --hosts={agent_host} --port=3440 --options=hostname::DEST,/path/to --order=status --key-cipher={key}

Order to deploy-proxy

shell> deploy-client --api-key={key} --hosts={proxy_host} --port=3441 --args={hosts|groups}:{agent_host|agent_host_group} --options={rsync_group_name} --order=status --key-cipher={key}
shell> deploy-client --api-key={key} --hosts={proxy_host} --port=3441 --args={hosts|groups}:{agent_host|agent_host_group} --options="hostname::DEST,/path/to" --order=status --key-cipher={key}


   "targethost" : {
	  "status" : {
		 "serverStatus" : 1,
		 "returnCode" : "200",
		 "content" : {
			"transferFilesSize" : "24854724",
			"transferFilesCount" : "328",
			"alreadyRsync" : "false",
			"return" : "true"
		 "returnString" : "OK",
		 "return" : 1


Description: Print the list about to be transferred files.

Order to deploy-agent

shell> deploy-client --hosts={agent_host} --port=3440 --options={rsync_group_name} --order=rlist --key-cipher={key}
shell> deploy-client --hosts={agent_host} --port=3440 --options=hostname::DEST,/path/to --order=rlist --key-cipher={key}

Order to deploy-proxy

shell> deploy-client --api-key={key} --hosts={proxy_host} --port=3441 --args={hosts|groups}:{agent_host|agent_host_group} --options={rsync_group_name} --order=rlist --key-cipher={key}
shell> deploy-client --api-key={key} --hosts={proxy_host} --port=3441 --args={hosts|groups}:{agent_host|agent_host_group} --options="hostname::DEST,/path/to" --order=rlist --key-cipher={key}


   "targethost" : {
	  "rlist" : {
		 "serverStatus" : 1,
		 "returnCode" : "200",
		 "content" : {
			"transferDeleteFiles" : [],
			"transferFilesSize" : "24854724",
			"transferFilesCount" : "328",
			"transferNewFiles" : [
			   "created directory /path/to",
			"return" : "true"
		 "returnString" : "OK",
		 "return" : 1


Description: Run file sync.

Order to deploy-agent

shell> deploy-client --hosts={agent_host} --port=3440 --options={rsync_group_name} --order=rsync --key-cipher={key}
shell> deploy-client --hosts={agent_host} --port=3440 --options=hostname::DEST,/path/to --order=rsync --key-cipher={key}

Order to deploy-proxy

shell> deploy-client --api-key={key} --hosts={proxy_host} --port=3441 --args={hosts|groups}:{agent_host|agent_host_group} --options={rsync_group_name} --order=rsync --key-cipher={key}
shell> deploy-client --api-key={key} --hosts={proxy_host} --port=3441 --args={hosts|groups}:{agent_host|agent_host_group} --options="hostname::DEST,/path/to" --order=rsync --key-cipher={key}


   "targethost" : {
	  "rsync" : {
		 "serverStatus" : 1,
		 "returnCode" : "200",
		 "content" : {
			"checksum" : "e726ab0da49b1b259d3159980d4212a0",
			"return" : "true"
		 "returnString" : "OK",
		 "return" : 1


Description: Stop file sync.

Order to deploy-agent

shell> deploy-client --hosts={agent_host} --port=3440 --options={rsync_group_name} --order=rkill --key-cipher={key}
shell> deploy-client --hosts={agent_host} --port=3440 --options=hostname::DEST,/path/to --order=rkill --key-cipher={key}

Order to deploy-proxy

shell> deploy-client --api-key={key} --hosts={proxy_host} --port=3441 --args={hosts|groups}:{agent_host|agent_host_group} --options={rsync_group_name} --order=rkill --key-cipher={key}
shell> deploy-client --api-key={key} --hosts={proxy_host} --port=3441 --args={hosts|groups}:{agent_host|agent_host_group} --options="hostname::DEST,/path/to" --order=rkill --key-cipher={key}


   "targethost" : {
	  "rkill" : {
		 "serverStatus" : 1,
		 "returnCode" : "200",
		 "content" : {
			"process" : [],
			"return" : "true"
		 "returnString" : "OK",
		 "return" : 1


Description: Run user defined command.

The below --options=service:nginx,restart first be defined in config file like "service:nginx = /etc/init.d/nginx %s". The command's arguments are separated by commas(,).

Order to deploy-agent

shell> deploy-client --hosts={agent_host} --port=3440 --options=service:nginx,restart --order="exec" --key-cipher={key}

Order to deploy-proxy

shell> deploy-client --api-key={key} --hosts={proxy_host} --port=3441 --args={hosts|groups}:{agent_host|agent_host_group} --options=service:nginx,restart --order=exec --key-cipher={key}


   "targethost" : {
	  "exec" : {
		 "serverStatus" : 1,
		 "returnCode" : "200",
		 "content" : {
			"content" : "U3RvcHBpbmcgbmdpbng6ICAgICAgICAgWyAgT0sgIF0NClN0YXJ0aW5nIG5naW54OiAgICAgICAgIFsgIE9LICBd",
			"command" : "L2V0Yy9pbml0LmQvbmdpbnggcmVzdGFydA==",
			"return" : "true"
		 "returnString" : "OK",
		 "return" : 1


YoungJoo.Kim(김영주) [vozltx@gmail.com]