Pytorch implementation for paper "ExplainableFold: Understanding AlphaFold Prediction with Explainable AI", KDD 2023.
The ExplainableFold is based on OpenFold's implementation of AlphaFold2. To run these codes, first download the base model and setup the environments accordingly.
- To run the experiments, place the explainable_fold folder under the root folder of openfold.
- Download AlphaFold database. Refer to instructions in
- To generate explanations on the test data, take "Most Intolerant Deletion" as example, run:
Remember to set the path to the MSAs database in your machine.
python3 explainable_fold/ \ --fasta_dir explainable_fold/xfold_test/\ --loss_type tm \ --opt_type min \ --alp 0.2 \ --leaky 0.1 \ --max_l 384 \ --steps 100 \ --delta_init equal\ --output_dir ./explainable_fold/log \ --model_device "cuda:0" \ --lam 0.00001 \ --lr 0.01 \ --jackhmmer_binary_path lib/conda/envs/openfold_venv/bin/jackhmmer \ --hhblits_binary_path lib/conda/envs/openfold_venv/bin/hhblits \ --hhsearch_binary_path lib/conda/envs/openfold_venv/bin/hhsearch \ --uniref90_database_path .../uniref90/uniref90.fasta \ --mgnify_database_path .../mgnify/mgy_clusters_2018_12.fa \ --bfd_database_path .../bfd/bfd_metaclust_clu_complete_id30_c90_final_seq.sorted_opt \ --uniclust30_database_path .../uniclust30/uniclust30_2018_08/uniclust30_2018_08 \ --pdb70_database_path .../pdb70/pdb70
- The generated counterfactual examples can be found in the ./explainable_fold/log folder.
author = {Tan, Juntao and Zhang, Yongfeng},
title = {ExplainableFold: Understanding AlphaFold Prediction with Explainable AI},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 29th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining},
pages = {2166–2176},
year = {2023}