
Build an experts directory search tool

Primary LanguageRuby

#Caveats Please be aware that in my phone screen, I said I had never done Ruby on Rails. Because of the learning curve, I did not get to refine and cleanup the code.

There are a couple of problems that I did not get to fix due to time: index/listing page - no friend count view page - the friend drop down works, but shows duplicate names

I also did not get to do any automated testing. Just ran out of time to learn and complete.

I am very sure with more learning time, I could cleanup the code and write the automated tests.

I did a lot of functional testing and documented some of it below.

#Functional testing setup Added: name George Washington url https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Washington Some of the topics

 Cherry tree
 French and Indian War
 Between the wars: Mount Vernon (1759–1774)
 Beginnings of War

name John Sullivan url https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Sullivan_(general) Some of the topics:

 Revolutionary War

name James Clinton url https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Clinton Some of the topics:

 French and Indian War
 American Revolutionary War
 After War Years


 George Washington
 John Sullivan 

name Charles Clinton https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Clinton Indian War Friendships

 James Clinton

#Functional testing Select Charles Clinton

search for War
 Charles Clinton -> James Clinton -> John Sullivan  (Revolutionary War)
 Charles Clinton -> James Clinton -> George Washington (French and Indian War
 Charles Clinton -> James Clinton -> George Washington (Beginnings of War)

Select Charles Clinton

search for Cherry
 Charles Clinton -> James Clinton -> George Washington (Cherry Tree)