This is a basic web-application based messaging app with functionality of personal and group chats. It enables user to chat with registered users and also create groups. Application is developed using Laravel along with MySQL (Eloquent ORM).
Clone the repository
git clone && cd MesApp
Run command in terminal
composer install
Duplicate the
and rename it.env
and fill in your database details -
Set the
in your.env
file to pusher:BROADCAST_DRIVER=pusher
Then fill in your Pusher app credentials in your
file:PUSHER_APP_ID=xxxxxx PUSHER_APP_KEY=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx PUSHER_APP_SECRET=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx PUSHER_APP_CLUSTER=
Run command in terminal
php artisan key:generate
Create the database in MySQL and run the command in terminal
php artisan migrate
Finally run the command
php artisan serve
Access the application at http://localhost:8000/