
:books: :microscope: :unlock: :mag: A curated list of resources, data, tools, scholarship related to Open Access, Data and Open Science :books: :microscope: :unlock: :mag:

Awesome Open Science Awesome

A curated list of resources, data, tools, scholarship related to Open Access, Data and Open Science

Note: this list is still under development 🔧 👷

Table of Contents

Research Data

Research Articles and Reports



  • OpenScienceMOOC - Community organisation for the development of an Massive Open Online Community for Open Science
  • Eclipse Science - Open source and collaboration for computational science.
  • Mozilla Science - A community of researchers, developers, and librarians making research open and accessible.
  • Research Data Alliance - (RDA) is a community-driven organization supported by the European Commission, the United States Government's National Science Foundation and National Institute of Standards and Technology, and the Australian Government’s Department of Innovation with the goal of building the social and technical infrastructure to enable open sharing of data.
  • The Software Sustainability Institute - Cultivate better, more sustainable, research software to enable world-class research.
  • Openscience.org - Supports the development of open scientific software, in particular for cheminformatics.
  • NumFOCUS - Open-code, better science. Non-profit organization that promotes sustainable high-level programming languages, open code development, and reproducible scientific research.




  • Opening Science - The Evolving Guide on How the Web is Changing Research, Collaboration and Scholarly


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