
A Python package for running experiments with machine learning regressors on time-series data.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A Python package for running experiments with machine learning regressors on time-series data.


  • Lasso, ElasticNet, KernelRidge, Knn, Adaboost, Gradient Boosting, Random Forest, Support Vector, XGBoost, (bidirectional) LSTM regression algorithms

  • Seasonal decomposition

  • Feature selection using Pearson's r and recursive feature elimination

  • In-sample and out-of-sample forecast evaluation in terms of RMSE, MAE, MAPE, Mean Directional Accuracy

  • Multiprocessing with the multiprocessing package

  • Distributed processing with zmq and celery

  • Visualization of validation runs

  • Visualization of forecasted values

Experiment design

Settings for preprocessing steps and the learning algorithms are specified in settings.py:

  • data_file: the input CSV file

  • date_format: the format of the date string in the input file, e.g., "%d-%b-%y"

  • test_split: the test-train ratio, e.g., 0.2

  • difference: if data (both dependent and explanatory variables) should be differenced, 0 or 1

  • deseason: if the dependent variable should de-seasonalized, 0 or 1

  • seasonal_period: the number of seasonal periods, e.g., 4 for quarterly seasons

  • horizon: the forecast horizon, e.g., 3

  • feature_selection: the proportion of features to select: e.g., 0.5; 0 - no feature selection

  • rfe_step: the percentage of features to remove at each iteration when using Recurrent Feature Selection, e.g., 0.1; 0 - do not use RFE

  • use_exog: if exogenous features should be used, 0 or 1

  • lags: the number of lags, e.g. 7

  • scale_range: the range to which all features should be scaled, e.g., [0, 1]

  • n_jobs: the number of parallel jobs, e.g., 2

  • random_state: the random seed value, e.g., 7

Example usage


To run experiments with, e.g., AdaBoost:

$ python run.py AdaBoost

Evaluation results are written to results.json and to a log file under ./logs.


In one console:

$ python run_zmq.py LSTM

In a different console, possibly on several different machine(s):

$ python workers_zmq.py LSTM

Evaluation results are written by run_zmq.py to results.json and to a log file under ./logs.


In one console:

$ python run_celery.py LSTM

In a different console, possibly on several different machine(s):

$ celery -A workers_celery worker

Evaluation results are written by run_celery.py to results.json and to a log file under ./logs.

Visualize validation results

$ python validation_runs_viz.py GB

Retrieves validation results from results.json for the latest run of the Gradient Boosting regressor and produces plots showing forecast quality measures as a function of hyperparameter values, e.g.:

Visualize forecast values

$ python emp_intervals_viz.py GB

Produces plots with forecast values on the in-sample, validation, and out-of-sample sets. The plots include forecast confidence intervals and "traces" showing forecast values resulting from different random seed values. E.g.:


  • numpy

  • pandas

  • sklearn

  • tensorflow

  • statsmodels

  • bokeh

  • zmq (optional, required only for distributed processing)

  • celery (optional, required only for distributed processing)

  • xgboost (optional, required only for XGBoost)

All the packages come installed with Anaconda, except celery, tensorflow, and xgboost, which can be installed with conda or pip:

$ conda install -c conda-forge celery
$ conda install -c conda-forge xgboost
$ conda install -c conda-forge tensorflow

Run tests

$ nosetests --logging-filter=-tensorflow,-matplotlib --with-coverage --cover-html --cover-package="utils,data,learner_configs" tests

Data format

The expected format is CSV. The first column should be called "date" and the last column should contain the target (dependent) variable and be called "dep_var".

If detrending or seasonal decomposition should be used, the "date" column must contain all consecutive dates, without any missing entries for e.g., weekends.

See example data files in ./examples.

Example data

examples/ise.csv: Istanbul Stock Exchange data, the original version is available from UCI Machine Learning Repository.

examples/AirQualityUCI.csv: Air Quality dataset, the original version is available from UCI Machine Learning Repository.