
A simple app to help with grading

Primary LanguageGroovy


A simple app to help with grading

The intent of this app is to provide a set of classes and utilities that enable instructors to write flexible scripts to perform grade calculation and automate grade announcements.


Java (8) and Groovy


  • Load data from CSV or TSV files
  • Define grade components and weights
  • Calculate total grades per student
  • Announce individual grades via email
  • Build reports and save in spreadsheets

Sample usage

// Define components and weight of each component
def gradeMapper = [
  'Midterm' : {it * 0.25},
  'Final'   : {it * 0.5},
  'Project' : {it * 0.25}

// Define letter grades and ranges
def scale = new Scale(Grades.letters, Grades.ranges, gradeMapper)

// Load student info and grades from tab-separated or comma-separated files and perform calculations
new StudentGroup().init('/path/to/students.tsv')
        .loadGradesBatch(new SpreadSheet('/path/to/grades.tsv', ['Midterm', 'Final', 'Project']))
        .calculateTotal('Total', scale)                     // calculates total scores using the formula
        .withMax({println("Max total grade is $it")})       // get and print maximum
        .withMin({println("Min total grade is $it")})       // get and print minimum
        .withAverage({println("Average is $it")})           // get and print average
        .processStudents({                                  // perform any task on each student (print, email grade etc.)
                println(GradeUtils.buildGradesStatement(it, ['Total']))
        .export(['fullName', 'letterGrade'], gradeMapper.keySet().toList() + ['Total'], getPath('/path/to/report.tsv'))

Compile and run

  1. chmod +x build.sh and chmod +x run.sh

  2. Set JAVA_HOME to your JDK 8 JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_131.jdk/Contents/Home

  3. Run build script ./build.sh

  4. Run the app ./run.sh

Command line usage

./cli.sh  -s ~/Desktop/CS-222/students.tsv \
          -g ~/Desktop/CS-222/grades.tsv \
          -a min,max,avg \
          -e ~/Downloads/export2.tsv