
List of all awesome Trusted Digital Repositories

Awesome TDRs

List of awesome Trusted Digital Repositories


"TDR" is a term used in the digital preservation field to refer to a digital repository that has undergone a formal auditing process. These audits are typically based on ISO 16363:2012 "Space data and information transfer systems -- Audit and certification of trustworthy digital repositories".

ISO 16363 is a standard for determining the trustworthiness and durability of the information that is stored in a digital repository.

It takes into account a number of technical, organizational, and economic factors to determine whether a given repository can be trusted to deal with long-term threats to the authenticity, usability, and discoverability of the digital information objects in its care.

Repository Year Auditor Report
Portico 2010 RLG report
Hathi Trust 2011 RLG report
Chronopolis 2012 RLG report
Scholar's Portal 2013 RLG report
CLOCKSS 2014 RLG report
University of North Texas Library 2015 self report
Canadiana.org 2015 RLG report


The ISO 16363 "TDR standard" is based on the ISO 14271 Open Archival Information System standard ("OAIS" see CCDS 650.0) and Trusted Digital Repositories and Audit Checklist ("TRAC" see CCDS 652.0).

The accompanying ISO 16919:2014 standard provides "Requirements for Bodies providing Audit and Certification" (see CCSDS 652.1).

These publications are available for purchase from the International Organisation for Standardisation or as free downloads from the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (see links inline above) which led the standarization efforts immediately preceding ISO formalisation.